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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-11



Traditionally, French and Spanish have been the go-to languages for Kenyans to learn at University. But now, the spotlight is on Standard Chinese. Young Kenyans are taking notice of the language, and its catching on fast.


Lydia Okeyo has been learning Chinese for two years now, although she finds it difficult, she’s determined to master the language.

Chinese has been labelled as one of the world’s most difficult languages to learn, but here in Kenya, more and more University students are gaining an interest in the language, and the opportunities it can bring.

Its open day at the University of Nairobi. At the Confucius Institute stand, potential students keen to learn more about the Chinese language.

Lydia Okeyo has been learning Chinese for two years now, although she finds it difficult, she’s determined to master the language.

"They want something different, When I started at the University I wanted a challenge, everyone else was learning French, Spanish, and I wanted to do something different and challenging." Lydia Okeyo said.


The Confucius Institute not only offers the students an opportunity to learn the Chinese language but through it they learn the Chinese culture.

For many students in Kenya, having a good grasp of an international language can boost their job prospects both in and out of the country with ties between Kenya and China growing even stronger, Lydia is certain that learning Chinese will give her an upper hand in the future

"I started to learn Chinese because...I would like to further my studies in China, and better my Chinese, this way, I can get a job with a Chinese company ...that is the main goal to be educated." Lydia Okeyo said.

The Confucius Institute not only offers the students an opportunity to learn the Chinese language but through it they learn the Chinese culture. The teachers and students retain a close friendship giving them much needed support.

One of Lydia’s teachers, Ms. Xu Jing came to Kenya in 2009, and she intends to stay.

"I was sent by the Chinese government...I have been in Kenya for 5 years now and I am a Kenyan, I am married to a Kenyan, so I am Kenyan." Ms. Xu Jing said.

China has one of the largest populations and economies in the world today and most of these investors are now investing in Africa construction companies, mining and recently the media industry. When companies begin recruiting locally, its Kenyan’s like Lydia who know Chinese, who have the upper hand.


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