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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-26

Sen. Charles Schumer, a leading U.S. critic of China's currency policies, came away from a meeting with the head of the People's Bank of China dissatisfied about Beijing's unwillingness to allow the yuan to appreciate more quickly.

在与中国人民银行行长周小川会谈之后,美国批评中国汇率政策的领军人物、参议员舒默(Charles Schumer)很不满意,因为北京不愿意允许人民币更快升值。


Mr. Schumer, a Democrat from New York who was traveling with nine other lawmakers, had a one-on-one breakfast with Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China. Mr. Schumer said in a telephone interview on his way back from China that the PBOC told him China wouldn't accelerate the appreciation of its currency from its current pace, a refusal likely to spark an outcry on Capitol Hill.


"I got the distinct impression from Gov. Zhou that they feel they have gone as far as they are willing to," Mr. Schumer said.


China has been under intense pressure from finance officials around the world to allow the yuan to appreciate more quickly. The weak currency, U.S. officials argue, is stoking inflation in China and has contributed to global trade imbalances because it makes Chinese goods cheap overseas.


Mr. Zhou told the senator he was confident that China is successfully combating inflation, in part by allowing a slow appreciation in the value of its currency, Mr. Schumer said. China's overall inflation was 5.4% in March from the year before, more than twice the pace of a year ago, the government reported earlier this month.


When pressed on whether China would speed up the rise in the yuan, Mr. Zhou made clear that Chinese officials see the currency as one of several tools they are using to deal with inflation, Mr. Schumer said.


A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington didn't immediately respond to a request to comment.


PBOC officials couldn't immediately be reached.


The yuan has gained more than 4% against the dollar since Beijing said last June it would allow the currency to resume appreciating against the dollar, something it stopped during the financial crisis. Mr. Schumer has said he finds the pace of appreciation unacceptable. One reason the U.S. wants a stronger yuan is that it would help boost U.S. exports by making them cheaper, and thus more appealing, in China and elsewhere in the developing world.


'It sort of seems in China that a tiny sacrifice by them is bigger than a major sacrifice by everyone else in the world,' Mr. Schumer said.


While Mr. Schumer had a one-on-one breakfast meeting with Mr. Zhou, the group of senators had separate public meetings with other officials. The discussions between the senators and Chinese officials about the yuan comes a little more than a week after the topic was debated by finance officials in Washington at a meeting of the Group of 20 nations. Among the agreements reached at the G-20 meeting was a decision to more closely review currency misalignments, a move underscoring the level of frustration surrounding the yuan.

舒默和周小川举行了一对一的早餐会,同时访华的参议员一行也和其他官员举行了另外的公开会面。就在此次参议员和中国官员就人民币问题展开对话的一周多前,在华盛顿举行的二十国集团财长会议上,与会各方还就此问题展开探讨。在那次会议上达成的共识中包括进一步严密审查汇率偏离(currency misalignment)问题,这凸显了人民币遭致不满的程度。

Mr. Schumer earlier this year backed a bill that would force the Obama administration to take a more aggressive stance when faced with countries that may be managing their currency, including the levying of tariffs. But that and other measures have fallen short of passage. The House of Representatives passed its own version of China currency legislation last year, though Republicans who now control the chamber have thus far shied from pushing the measure forward again in this Congress.


Mr. Schumer said the comments from Mr. Zhou and other officials at meetings last week will force the hand of lawmakers to try to again pass legislation to address Beijing's exchange-rate policy. "I think the appetite is growing because once we deal with the budget, jobs are the No. 1 issue and China is the biggest concern," he said.


Among the options being considered is tying a currency measure to a trio of free-trade agreements that lawmakers are expected to move this year.


Sen. Richard Shelby (R., Ala.), also on the trip, blamed a weak U.S. bargaining position with China on Democrats. "Unfortunately, we have little leverage in negotiating with China on this issue because the Democrats refuse to get serious about deficit reduction in our own county," Mr. Shelby said.

同行的阿拉巴马州共和党参议员谢尔比(Richard Shelby)将美国与中国谈判时处于不利地位的情况归咎于民主党。谢尔比说,很不幸,我们和中国就此问题谈判时没有什么优势,因为民主党人拒绝严肃对待缩小美国赤字的问题。

Mr. Schumer said Chinese officials insisted they had inflation under control. "I do not agree that they have inflation in hand; the government is just pushing out money and I don't think it's that well fine-tuned," he said.



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