当前位置:首页 > 雅思英语 >英语百科 > 苹果公司将雇佣2万名员工,开设新园区,并将多缴纳380亿美元税款


来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-04-02



The iPhone maker said it also will make $30 billion in capital expenditures in the U.S. over the next five years, in part from opening data centers to feed growing demand for services like iCloud. And it will create over 20,000 new jobs at existing Apple campuses and a new one, initially for technical support, at an unnamed location, likely setting off a scramble among states and cities vying for bragging rights.


The company is the latest to announce new payouts tied to the tax bill, a landmark win for President Trump and the Republican-led Congress, which say the lower corporate rate should lead to faster job growth, higher corporate profits and steeper wages, as companies take some of those tax savings and invest them. Critics have warned companies may instead funnel their savings into buybacks and dividend increases, side-stepping workers.


Apple is also giving $2,500 stock bonuses to most of its 125,000 employees worldwide, which will roll out in the next months. Shares ended up 1.7% at $179.10.


The company is shouldering a big tax bill as the iPhone maker brings back much of its estimated $252 billion cash held overseas, quieting another long-standing complaint from lawmakers: that the world’s most valuable company avoids paying some U.S. taxes because it keeps so much of its profits outside the U.S. Apple said the $38 billion payment would likely be the largest of its kind.


"Apple is a success story that could only have happened in America, and we are proud to build on our long history of support for the U.S. economy," said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO.


Cook had long said Apple would bring back some of those profits if the U.S. were to lower the corporate tax rate. At the same time, the company is realizing a savings of $42 billion from the new tax bill, notes analyst and investor Gene Munster, from Loup Ventures, as it takes advantage of a one-year window that lowers the tax rate on repatriated profits to 15.5%. That’s less than the 21% tax rate on corporate profits from the new law, itself a drop from the 35% prior rate.

库克一直表示,如果美国降低企业税率,苹果公司将从海外收回部分盈利。与此同时,该公司的分析师和投资者吉恩·明斯特(Gene Munster)表示,该公司从新税法中节省了420亿美元的资金,因为它利用了一年的时间窗口,将被遣返的利润的税率降至15.5%。这比新法律对公司利润要求的21%的税率要低,与之前的35%相比有所下降。

In a news release, Apple didn’t mention moving production of iPhones to the U.S. They are currently designed at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, but built at the Foxconn plants in China.


Critics have asked why Apple couldn’t produce the iPhones here, and in response, Cook has said that it’s not just the cost of paying foreign workers lower salaries, but training. Manufacturing and keeping the production lines running for a company that produces over 200 million iPhones yearly is something Chinese factories excel at, Cook told CBS’s "60 Minutes" in 2015.


Instead, it will focus its capital expansion on data centers — spending $10 billion on adding more like the kind it broke ground on in Reno, Nev. Thursday — and the new Apple campus. Apple already employs 84,000 people in all 50 states.


With the new investments and its current pace of spending with U.S. suppliers and manufacturers, which it expects to total $55 billion this year, Apple said its contribution to the U.S. economy will be more than $350 billion over the next five years.


Re-investing the savings buffers the company against the notion is Apple benefitting from the bill but keeping all the money, says Patrick Moorhead, an analyst with Moor Insights.


However, jobs at data centers and technical support may not represent the high-paid software and business jobs that have created wealthy hubs in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. Data centers typically operate with minimal staff, and according to Glassdoor.com, the average yearly salary for tech support pros is just over $36,000.


Moorhead said he expects the new location to be in "flyover" country, somewhere in the middle of the United States, where so many Apple consumers live.


Amazon set off a intense race among over 200 cities and states last year after it announced it planned to choose one for a second headquarters that would employ 50,000 and take $5 billion to build.



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