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男子约顺风车竟来了辆大货车 司机:小伙子,别怕

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-04-01


男子约顺风车竟来了辆大货车 司机:小伙子,别怕

A man in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing didn’t expect that his Weibo post of an unusual ridesharing experience would catch the attention of traffic police after it went viral overnight.


Using a local ridesharing site, the man found a driver who agreed to take him from his home in Wushan County to Chongqing on Monday, June 26.


“I was wondering if a recreational vehicle might come to pick me up because the driver told me the space was big enough for me to sleep.” the man wrote on his Weibo account on Tuesday. When the vehicle arrived, he was kind of freaked out: it was a freight truck.

这名男子周二在微博账户上写道:“我在想是否是一辆房车来接我,因为司机告诉我车宽的很,还可以睡觉。” 当车辆到达时,他吓了一跳:这分明是辆货运车。

True to the driver’s description, the man could lie behind the driver’s seat and have a rest, but he didn’t dare close his eyes for long during the six-hour trip. “The truck was traveling at full speed. The driver tried to help me relax by saying he was very experienced,” the man recalled.

根据司机的描述,这名男子可以躺在司机座位的后面,休息一下,但在这六小时乘车期间,他表示眼睛都不敢闭一下。 “这辆卡车全速行驶。司机告诉我说,他是老司机了,让我别怕,” 这名男子回忆说。

“The trip turned out to be safe, but I’ll ask about vehicle type before using any ridesharing service again. It could be an oil tanker for all I know,” the man joked at the end of his post.


The man’s adventure soon sparked the interest of China’s internet users, as well as two separate probes from traffic police and the owner of the truck.


In a response to a Chongqing-based media outlet, the man, who only identified himself as an insurance salesman, explained that the truck was his only option, because it was so late and he had a next-day business appointment in Chongqing he couldn’t miss.


The salesman said he had not expected his post would cause trouble for the driver and he removed the original post afterward. In his latest post, sent on the afternoon of Wednesday, he clarified that the driver wasn’t speeding and he shared the story because it was just an odd but funny experience.

这名推销员说,他没想到自己的帖子会给司机师傅带来麻烦,之后他删除了那张帖子。 他在周三下午发表的最新帖子中澄清说,司机没有超速,他分享这个故事是因为这只是一个奇葩但有趣的经历。

The truck company said it is against both the law and company policy for truck drivers to offer ridesharing services due to safety concerns. The police said they are still investigating whether the driver was speeding or if he was driving while fatigued.



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