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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-04-01



Many of the headlines about French cannibal film Raw over the past few months have focused on people fainting and being given sick bags.


That’s a shame, sighs its director Julia Ducournau as she glances at a recent article about a screening in Los Angeles. "It clearly doesn’t do justice for my movie, which is not a barf fest. I think it’s very reductive."

导演Julia Ducournau在读到近期洛杉矶首映的相关报道后,遗憾的说到:“这显然是对我的电影的曲解,一言以蔽之,忽略细节”。

The film, out in the UK this week, tells the story of a vegetarian student, Justine (Garance Marillier), who eats raw meat for the first time during a blood-soaked "hazing ceremony" for new recruits at veterinary school. Far from making her throw up, the experience leads to a craving for flesh - both animal and human.

这部电影,本周在英国上映,讲述的是一个素食大学生(Garance Marillier)的故事,她在传统新生入学仪式上被逼吃生肉。这种经历并没有使她呕吐,反而引起了她对动物和人类肉体的渴望。

The cannibalism scenes in the film were too much for some at the Toronto International Film Festival last year. It was widely reported at the time that a couple of patrons required medical attention during screening in the festival’s Midnight Madness strand.


The French filmmaker was at the same screening, but says she did not personally see anyone faint. She was told about it after her on-stage Q&A session. "I was really sorry about these people," she says. "I think going to the movies should be a celebration. It’s always hard when you have people leaving the party."

电影放映的时候Julia Ducournau也在场,但她说她没有看到任何人晕倒,在问答环节结束之后才被告知此事。“我对这些观众感到抱歉,我原以为他们会得到不错的观影体验,作为导演,我深感遗憾。”

At film festivals people tend to see a lot of movies during the day and they don’t eat enough, so when you go to a Midnight Madness screening you have to expect this kind of thing.


She is clearly not happy about the type of headlines the film has been receiving. "It’s a shame for my work because some people are going to think this movie is too hard core for them and they won’t be able to handle it.


However, Ducournau asserts that Raw is not a horror movie. "As much as I’m a fan of horror movies, I did not write this movie to scare people," she says. "It’s a crossover movie for sure between comedy, drama and body horror - that being a sub-genre of horror."


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