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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-28



When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge released a series of pictures of their son Prince George to celebrate his third birthday, they could not have anticipated the adverse reaction.


But among the four images released on Friday by Kensington Palace, one showing the barefoot future king appearing to feed his pet spaniel Lupo an ice-cream lolly has raised concern among leading animal welfare organisations.


Experts have said that dogs are allergic to dairy products, which can cause digestive problems, and that chocolate is highly toxic to canines. George, third in line to the throne, is photographed holding what appears to be an ice-cream lolly covered with white chocolate under Lupo’s nose in the garden of his parent’s 10-bedroom Norfolk mansion, Anmer Hall.


The the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSCPA) animal welfare charity said it did not advise others to follow the child’s example.


“It is lovely that Prince George is trying to help keep his family dog, Lupo, cool in these high temperatures,” it said. “We would advise people to be cautious when giving their dogs food meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate, can be highly toxic to dogs and dairy items can be difficult for them to digest.

RSCPA 说,“在酷暑高温下,乔治小王子想让狗狗凉快一点的行为的确非常可爱,但我们必须建议,民众在拿人类的食物喂宠物时,一定要慎选,比如巧克力,它就对狗有毒。乳制品同样会造成它们的消化问题。”

“Instead of ice-cream we would suggest making an ice lolly from pet-friendly ingredients. Making these can be really fun for children and the end product is both safe and enjoyable for dogs.”


The reaction among some Twitter users was less tempered, with some calling for the three-year-old to be arrested for animal cruelty. Prince William is a keen animal conservationist.


The photographs also show him standing and sitting on a wooden swing, personalised with his parents names, William and Catherine, and walking through the family’s Norfolk garden.

还有几张照片显示乔治小王子或站或坐在一个木制秋千上,该秋千上刻着剑桥公爵夫妇给它命的名“William & Catherine”,以及他在诺福克家里的花园里散步的情景。

Previous photographs officially released of George have been taken by family members, including his mother and maternal grandfather Michael Middleton.


On this occasion, a professional photographer was employed for the latest photo session which took place in mid-July.


Photographer Matt Porteous said: “I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. I’m honoured that they have decided to share these images with the public to mark his third birthday.”

摄影师Matt Porteous表示,“能为乔治小王子拍照我真的非常开心。那是一个非常放松和愉快的氛围。剑桥公爵夫妇决定公开这些照片以庆祝小王子的生日,我感到非常荣幸。”

A spokesman for Kensington Palace said: “The Duke and Duchess hope that people will enjoy seeing these new photographs. They would like to thank everyone for all the lovely messages they have received as Prince George celebrates his third birthday.”


The spokesman declined to comment further on chocolate and ice-cream.


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