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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-27

Three Morgan Stanley analysts are the latest to weigh in on an old question that has lately resurfaced among China-watching economists: How much longer can China continue to grow at a 10% a year and provide a rocket-ship-sized engine of growth for a sputtering world economy? Associated Press

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的三位分析师最近加入了一场有关老问题的争论:中国每年10%的增长速度还能保持多久?还能继续充当全球经济高速运转的增长引擎多长时间?这个问题近来在关注中国的经济学家中再次引发了争论。


Not much longer, say the three, but the deceleration will be slight, to an 8% annual growth rate through 2020. That would be a growth record that nearly any country would envy.


China optimists and pessimists agree on certain propositions:


-- No country can grow at 10% a year forever. China is unique in world history for having done it for 30 years.


-- China needs to 'rebalance' its economy so it relies more on consumer spending and less on investment because China will soon reach diminishing returns with its investment strategy.


-- China's population is aging rapidly , which is usually a bad sign for economic vitality.


-- China needs to innovate. Continued productivity improvements are crucial for continued fast growth.


Where the debaters disagree is on whether China can manage to turns its potential negatives into positives.


Morgan Stanley analysts Qing Wang, Steven Zhang and Ernest Ho note that economic growth tends to decelerateâ 'sometimes rapidly-- when GDP per capita reaches about $7,000, as calculated by a form of purchasing power parity, which tries to equalize prices in different countries. China surpassed that level in 2008. "If history is a guide and the law of gravity applies to China," the three analysts write. "China's economic growth is set to slow," as Japan and Korea did when they hit the $7,000 mark.

摩根士丹利三位分析师王庆、章俊(Steven Zhang)以及何泓哲(Ernest Ho)注意到,按购买力平价计算,当人均GDP达到约7,000美元时,经济增长速度往往开始下降,有时还很快。中国在2008年就超过了上述水平。三位分析师写道,如果历史能够借鉴,且重力原理适用于中国,那么中国的经济增长将注定放缓,就像日本和韩国达到7,000美元的标杆后经历的那样。

But unlike those two nations, China has an ace in the hole, says Mr. Wang. It's a continental-sized economy, which means that it can continue to grow rapidly by using its geographic size and population heft. It can encourage lower-end manufacturing to move to the lower-paid western part of the country â ' a trend that's already happening -- and it can encourage young rural residents to move to the cities to work in plants and factories there. The farm-to-city migration will diminish the negative effect of the overall aging of the Chinese population, the Morgan Stanley analysts argue.


"There is no candidate to replace China any time soon (as the world's factory floor) except India," says Mr. Wang. "But India isn't ready given its lack of infrastructure."


Most controversially perhaps, the analysts predict what they call "a golden age of consumption." China's consumption as percentage of GDP is currently among the lowest in the world, which many analysts attribute to cautious Chinese families saving money for their retirements or to pay for healthcare bills. But Mr. Wang says Chinese consumers aren't waiting for the government to build a new social safety net before they spend more. They're waiting to make more money, which they'll do as labor demand boosts wages over the coming decade. Consumer spending zoomed in Korea and Japan after those countries reached the $7,000 mark.


The big downside, says Mr. Wang, is that prices are likely to rise in China, with inflation increasing from an average of 1.9% in the past decade to around twice that, or more, through 2020. That means China will become a source of inflation for the rest of the world, which imports its goods, rather than a source of price stability or even deflation as it has been in the past.


Of course, the Morgan Stanley analysts could wind up to be too optimistic. In paper released last month, Barry Eichengreen of the University of California at Berkeley, Donghyun Park of the Asian Development Bank and Kwanho Shin of Korea University, came up with their own calculations of when growth is likely to slow, and figured China would smash that speed bump around 2015.

当然,摩根士丹利的分析师们可能过于乐观了。在上个月公布的报告中,加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley)的艾琴格林(Barry Eichengreen)、亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)的Donghyun Park和高丽大学(Korea University)的Kwanho Shin对增长何时可能会放缓也进行了计算,他们得出中国将在大约2015年达到“减速带”。

That paper said the growth rates of other fast growing nations fell by at least two percentage points once they hit a certain income level. In China's case that would reduce growth to around 8%, essentially the same figure that the Morgan Stanley analysts forecast. But Messrs Eichengreen, Park and Shin report that other economists estimate that China's growth could slow to between 5% and 6% annually between now and 2030, a far sharper decline than the Morgan Stanley trio anticipate.



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