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食品价格上涨 亚洲农业企业吃香

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-27

After Anglo-Australian miner BHP Billiton made an eventually unsuccessful US$38.6 billion offer for agriculture-focused Potash Corp., deal makers began adding food options to their menus.

澳洲矿业公司必和必拓(BHP Billiton)提出以386亿美元收购主营农业的加拿大钾肥公司Potash Corp.遭到失败后,交易撮合者就开始关注农业企业。

食品价格上涨 亚洲农业企业吃香

In Asia, the result has been a rich diet of food company deals, with more expected─and raising a question about whether investors might eventually end up with indigestion.


Higher prices in both raw and processed soft commodities─caused by growing Asian demand, erratic weather, and a global push toward biofuels─has led to a spate of food-focused merger deals and initial public offerings. Food quality concerns in China and fears of radioactive exposure in products in Japan amid the nation's ongoing nuclear crisis have added to the trend.


"There is a very active deal environment in the global agribusiness and the commodity price environment is a key driver," said Russ Colaco, an executive director in Morgan Stanley's consumer investment banking team in New York. He added," Higher prices are a catalyst for mergers to create greater scale and capital raising to strengthen balance sheets."

摩根士丹利驻纽约消费品业务投行团队的执行董事柯拉科(Russ Colaco)说,全球农业企业的交易非常活跃,大宗商品价格上涨是主要的推手。柯拉科又说,大宗商品价格走高促使各方通过并购做大规模,通过募集资金充实资产。

As a result, Asian agriculture-focused companies tend to be valued better than their other counterparts, though they still trail the surge in underlying food products. Between March 2010 and March 2011, for instance, global food commodity prices─including cereal, vegetable oils, meat, seafood, sugar, bananas, and oranges─as measured by the IMF's Commodity Food Price Index rose 32%. In that time, the valuations of Asia-Pacific Agricultural business rose 19% and traded at 3.70 times book value from 3.12 times in March last year, according to data provider CapitalIQ. They currently trade at 3.84 times book value. Meanwhile, valuations of the MSCI Asia Pacific Index have fallen 4%.


Nine Asian agriculture companies that listed in the last 12 months trade at total enterprise value of 6.01 times to sales, compared with the 4.48 times the 235 agribusinesses that are already listed in Asia, according to CapitalIQ. Enterprise value combined market capitalization with net debt.


"Overall, the nine Asian agricompanies that were listed in the last 12 months are valued higher than the total basket, suggesting better investor sentiment for recent IPOs," said Chris Rynning, chief executive officer of Beijing-based Origo Partners. In early March the private-equity firm bought a 21% stake for US$13 milion in privately owned rice producer China Rice, in the London-listed private equity firm's first foray outside clean-technology and natural resources in China.

总部位于北京的欧瑞集团(Origo Partners)的首席执行长林宁(Chris Rynning)说,总体上讲,过去12个月内上市的这九家亚洲农业企业的估值高于市场整体水平,这意味着投资者看好近期要公开上市募集资金的新股。3月初,作为私募基金的欧瑞集团以1,300万美元的价格收购了私人控股的大米厂商China Rice21%的股权,这是在伦敦上市的欧瑞集团首次涉足天然气和清洁技术之外的领域。

"The opportunity in agricommodities is that it's a high-growth sector, and yet competition is not so high and it's a less beaten investment path in China than internet companies, for instance, which trade on crazy valuations."



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