The donkey who thinks he's a dog! Three-year-old Dougie has the run of the house and loves nothing more than walks, cuddles... and watching tennis
Meet Dougie, the three-year-old miniature donkey who thinks he's a dog.

The pet lives with his owners Cal and Tom Stockbridge inPickering,Yorkshire, where he has run of the house and goes for walks.
这头宠物小毛驴和它的主人卡尔·斯托克布里奇(Cal Stockbridge)和汤姆·斯托克布里奇(Tom Stockbridge)住在约克郡(Yorkshire)的皮克林镇(Pickering),在那儿它可以在屋里随意跑动,也可以外出散步。

The animal loves company, is often found in writer Tom's office while he works - and bizarrely, also loves watching tennis.
Cal, 53, who runs a theatre company, said: 'He acts more like a dog than a donkey, he loves attention from people.

'Dougie was raised with a lot of human contact so when we got him aged eight months old we wanted to maintain that.
'All our animals have run of the house and we wouldn't have wanted Dougie to be any different.'

Calfirst got Dougie as a present for her 50th birthday, having visited a friend who had a donkey.
When he was eight months old she brought him home to their small holding which is surrounded by 250 acres of Wildlife Trust land.
Caladded: 'We are like pretend farmers. We have lots of animals, but it's not a working farm. Dougie was put into the wildflower meadow at the bottom of our garden with a little shed for shelter.
'We have French windows that open out into the garden and before long Dougie found his way into the house.'
Dougie quickly made friends with the other animals, includingGriff,Cal's seven-year-old Irish wolfhound, who is the same size as the donkey.

She said: 'We take Dougie for walks with Griff and he gets very cross if he sees us going and we don't take him with us.

'Griff gets a bit jealous of Dougie because he doesn't like to share me.'
The little donkey does get up to mischief, often holding lady's skirts or cardigans firmly in his mouth.
Calsaid: 'He doesn't chew or rip their clothes, he will just stand very close to them and not let go.
'It doesn't faze my friends, they are used to me having so many animals around.

'Dougie never steals food though, not like the pigs who sometimes come in the house.
'If there is an apple or carrot on the side he won't be interested, he's just looking for his daily dose of affection - usually a scratch and a tickle.'

Calhas some advice for anyone who may be considering getting a miniature donkey of their own.
She said: 'They make incredible pets, they all have their own personalities and they're very affectionate but donkeys need shelter, grazing and company so you need to do your research - especially as they can live well into their forties.'
French window:落地窗