v. 猛冲,突然而迅速地移动;剧增,猛涨;赶紧抓住(机会);(心)猛跳;跳,跳跃
n. 跳跃,跳高;骤变,激增;(对新事物的)认真尝试
【名】 (Leap)(美、法、英)莱亚(人名)
1. Leap of faith:信仰之跃;天降神迹;信心的跳跃;信仰的飞跃
2. leap year bug:闰年虫
3. Look before you leap:三思后行;慎思而行
4. Leap Attack:跳跃攻击;跳斩;飞跃攻击;腾跃攻击
5. the Great Leap:太平盛世
6. stride leap:跨越;超出;超过;逾越
7. with a leap:(收入等)猛增
8. leap in the dark:◎轻举妄动;不顾后果的行动;盲目冒险的举动,◎死[英国哲学家汤玛斯霍伯斯用语]
9. look before you leap:三思而后行
10. leap out:v.引人注意
11. leap over:跳过
12. quantum leap:[物]量子跃迁;[喻]巨大突破
13. leap of faith:一百八十度转变
14. with leaps and bounds:迅速地;飞跃地
15. leap frog:跳背戏
16. leap at:向…扑去;欣然接受(机会或建议等)
17. leap second:[天]闰秒
18. with a leap:(收入等)猛增
19. leap in the dark:◎轻举妄动;不顾后果的行动;盲目冒险的举动 , ◎死[英国哲学家汤玛斯霍伯斯用语]
20. look before you leap:三思而后行
21. leap out:v.引人注意
22. leap over:跳过
23. quantum leap:[物]量子跃迁;[喻]巨大突破
24. leap of faith:一百八十度转变
25. with leaps and bounds:迅速地;飞跃地
26. leap frog:跳背戏
27. leap at:向…扑去;欣然接受(机会或建议等)
28. leap second:[天]闰秒
His heart gave a sudden leap when he saw her.
The suspect took a leap out of a third-storey window.
She took a flying leap and landed on the other side of the stream.
- lockoutn. 闭厂,停工
- linguisticsn. 语言学
- linguistn. 精通外国语言的人;语言学家
- leotardn. 紧身连衣裤(杂技和舞蹈演员等穿的)
- laborern. 劳动者;工人
- lump-sum price[物价] 混合价格;总括价格;整笔计价格
- lpabbr. 线性规划(Linear Programming);自由党(Liberal Party);劳动党(Labor Party);有限合伙契约(Limited Partnership)
- loss minimization损失最小化,最小损耗
- long-lived asset长期资产
- liquidityn. 资产流动性,资产变现能力;流动资产,现金;液体,液态;(市场)活跃;偿债能力
- lockout impulse同步脉冲
- general linguistics普通语言学
- linguist t语言学家
- tights- leotard紧身衣裤
- day laborer临时工;做散工的人;按日计酬的零工
- lump-sum and unit-price combined contract单价和总价混合合同
- LP AMINA阿米那能源环保公司
- loss function minimization损失函数最小法
- liquidity premium[经]流动性升水;灵活升值