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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-16


A second piece of suspected plane debris has washed ashore on the Indian Ocean island of La Réunion as a wing part found nearby suspected to have come from missing flight MH370 arrived in France for analysis.

第二块疑似飞机残骸被冲上印度洋法属留尼汪岛(La Réunion )。与此同时,此前在附近发现的疑似来自失踪的MH370航班的一块机翼部件已被送到法国接受检测。

The discovery of the metallic object on Sunday — reported on a local radio station as being a possible door of a plane — follows confirmation from authorities that a piece of aircraft debris washed up on La Réunion and found on Wednesday is from a Boeing 777, raising hopes that it comes from the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft that disappeared 17 months ago.

周日发现金属物件(据当地电台报道可能是飞机舱门)之前,有关部门证实,上周三发现的被冲上留尼汪岛的一块飞机碎片来自一架波音777(Boeing 777)飞机,这意味着它很有可能来自17个月以前消失的那架马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)飞机。

But police say the debris found on Sunday is not yet being treated as evidence and one Malaysian official cast doubt on it being related to MH370, telling the Associated Press that it was not a door but a domestic ladder.

但警方表示,周日发现的碎片尚未被视为证据。一名马来西亚官员怀疑其是否与MH370航班有关联,这名官员对美联社(Associated Press)表示,那不是一扇门,而是家用扶梯。

The earlier piece, identified as a flaperon, was escorted by police on Saturday from Paris to the defence ministry laboratory in Balma, near Toulouse. La Réunion is a French territory, which is why the country is leading the investigation.


The disappearance of MH370, which vanished on March 8 2014 while travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing carrying 239 people, has been one of the biggest mysteries in aviation.


“The flaperon is officially identified as being part of a Boeing 777,” said Liow Tiong Lai, Malaysia’s transport minister, on Sunday. “If more debris can be found it will aid the experts in the substantive analysis of what happened to the missing plane MH370.”

“这块襟副翼被正式确定为来自一架波音777,”马来西亚交通部长廖中莱(Liow Tiong Lai)周日表示。“如果能够发现更多碎片,那将有助于专家们对MH370飞机的失事真相进行实质性分析。”

If the pieces are from the missing flight, it could provide critical clues to its fate. The plane suddenly changed course to the west after heading north-east from Kuala Lumpur. It then lost contact with air traffic control.


Malaysia, Australia and China have been conducting an extensive search, working on the theory that it crashed within a 120,000 sq km area of the southern Indian Ocean, 1,800km south-west of Australia.


Experts said the discovery of the wreckage washed up on La Réunion , a long way from the theoretical crash zone, was consistent with the direction of the ocean currents.


News of Sunday’s find was originally reported on a local radio station as being a possible door of a plane. It was described as a large metal object, covered in foreign writing.


The Australian Transport Safety Bureau said on Thursday that the discovery of the wreckage on the island was “not inconsistent with the current search location” that is 4,200km east of La Réunion .

澳大利亚交通安全局(Australian Transport Safety Bureau)上周四表示,在留尼汪岛发现飞机残骸“与当前的搜索位置并不矛盾”;当前搜索位置在留尼汪岛以东4200公里。

In April, the MH370 search plans, which have already included the scouring of 55,000 sq km of sea floor, were revised to expand the original search area from 60,000 sq km to 120,000 sq km, if required.


Australian officials had indicated that if nothing was found by that stage, then the search operation for the airliner would not be extended. The undersea search is one of the most expensive in aviation history, costing about $150m to date.



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