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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-16



Istanbul (CNN) Gunshots, screams and explosions pierced the air Tuesday at Istanbul Ataturk Airport, as three terrorists armed with bombs and guns attacked passengers at one of the world’s busiest travel spots.


Witnesses described deadly carnage and crowds in a panic as the attackers struck.


At least 36 people were killed, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said, in the terror attack, one for which there was no immediate claim of responsibility.Another 147 people were wounded, Turkey’s Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said.

土耳其总理Binali Yildirim说,在这场恐怖袭击中,至少有36人遇害,目前还没有组织声称对此负责。土耳其司法部长Bekir Bozdag说,另有147人受伤。

Sue Savage was in the airport to see a friend off when she heard gunshots and then an explosion, which she knew was a bomb. Then more gunshots and another boom, she told "Erin Burnett OutFront."

Sue Savage在机场送别朋友的时候听到了枪杀和一声爆炸巨响,她马上意识到有炸弹。然后枪声越来越多,又发生了另一次爆炸,她告诉“Erin Burnett(朋友) 在机场外面等(不要进来)”。

She ducked into a men’s prayer room and then into a men’s toilet, where she hid in a stall with a young woman. They came out, perhaps 20 or 30 minutes later, and heard more screams and gunshots and ducked into a room where luggage is inspected.


She and about 30 people were herded into a women’s prayer room until authorities led them out and down an escalator into the main terminal hall.


"There was a lot of blood," she said. The floor was marked with bloody boot marks and she saw a woman’s scarf on the floor. The group was herded around to the other side of the room.


"There was so much glass on the floor they were scuffing it aside so we didn’t slip," she said.


Video from inside the airport terminal shows people racing away as fast as they could and the bright orange flash of fire from one of the explosions. Victims stagger and some fall from the now blood-covered, slick floor.


Another video shows a man walking with a gun, which he drops when he apparently is shot by a security officer. The man slumps to the ground and the officer briefly stands over him before running. about 10 seconds later, there is an explosion.


Traveler Laurence Cameron described what he saw after he stepped off a plane.

旅客Laurence Cameron描述了他走下飞机之后看到的景象。

"It was just a massive crowd of screaming people. Some were falling over themselves. A poor chap in a wheelchair was just left, and everyone just rushed to the back of the building, and then people ran the other way and no one really seemed to know what was going on," he told CNN. "Where you normally hail a taxi, that is where the attack happened. The ground is just kind of shredded. There are bloodstains on the floor as well."


Istanbul Gov. Vasip Sahin said the three terrorists were also killed.

伊斯坦布尔州长Vasip Sahin说,三名恐怖分子已经死亡。

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for a unified international fight against terrorism, saying: "Make no mistake: For terrorist organizations, there is no difference between Istanbul and London, Ankara and Berlin, Izmir and Chicago or Antalya and Rome. Unless all governments and the entire mankind join forces in the fight against terrorism, much worse things than what we fear to imagine today will come true."

土耳其总统Recep Tayyip Erdogan发起了对恐怖主义的国际联合打击,他说:“不容有失:对于恐怖组织的打击,无论是伊斯坦布尔还是伦敦,安卡拉还是柏林,伊兹密尔还是芝加哥,安塔利亚还是罗马都不应该有所差别。除非所有政府以及全体人类都联合起来一起对抗恐怖主义,比我们今天畏于想象的事恐怖得多的事都一定会发生。”

The attacks happened on a warm summer night at the airport, east of Istanbul, which is the 11th busiest in the world in terms of passenger traffic. CNN’s Ali Veshi said Ataturk is a modern, sophisticated airport.

这场袭击发生在一个温暖的夏夜,地点是位于伊斯坦布尔东部的机场,这里是全世界客流量最大的11个机场之一。CNN的Ali Veshi说阿塔图尔克是一个现代化的复合型机场。

"There are all of the major European and American boutiques there," said Velshi, who has traveled through Turkey many times. "... You see people of all shapes and colors, in all sorts of dress. If you want to target the cosmopolitan nature of Istanbul, this is possibly the most cosmopolitan, heavily populated part. You can target tourist areas, but this is the part where the world comes together."


Flights into the airport were diverted to the capital of Ankara and other cities, airport spokesman Erhan Ustundag said.

机场发言人Erhan Ustundag说,本该抵达伊斯坦布尔机场的航班都改航线到了首都安卡拉以及其他城市。

"The terrorists came to the airport in a taxi and then carried out their attacks," Yildirim told a national audience. "The fact that they were carrying guns added to the toll. Preliminary findings suggest all three attackers first opened fire then detonated themselves."


Yildirim didn’t say why, but said signs pointed to ISIS being behind the attacks, which occurred with a little more than a week left in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.


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