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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-14



Madam Fu was the first speaker at the debate.

"Maybe we are at the door step again of choices. Are we going to continue the path of building trust and having cooperation resolving differences, which has been proven to be correct in the past decades? Or are we going to be fractured again by enlarged differences? The thinking of Chinese side, is as President Xi Jinping recently stated at the CICA summit in Shanghai, that China would like to see new security approach in Asia." Fu said.

During the discussions, the US representative stressed several times that the US is against unilateral changes of the status quo.

Fu spoke of China’s position on this issue.

"We should restrain unilateral change of status quo, or unilateral provocations. And there have been these kind of developments, and China has confronted with some difficult challenges. The position of the Chinese side is that, when we are confronted with, for example when the Philippines sent their navy vessels to harass our fishermen, when the Japanese government decided to nationalize the Diaoyu Islands. In the final analysis, I think it’s very important to come back to dialogue, and come back to negotiations." Fu said.

Fu said although most people claimed that they were for cooperation and dialogue, words were much much easier exchanged than actions.

"For the alliance relationship between the US and its allies, I think for China, the alliance is a left-over from the Cold War. There was a meaning during the Cold War. And now the observing point for China is the nature of the alliance. If the allies of the US take China on the opposing side, then China will be concerned. And if the US uses the frictions, or problems between China and its neighbors, to strengthen their alliance. It will be another question mark on the Chinese side too. And that’s one of the reasons that China and the US really need to have a very direct discussion and talks, to understand each other." Fu said.

Experts and scholars from many other countries also joined the debate.

The Shangri-La Dialogue was organized by the London-based think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies. It has become one of the key events for defense professionals in the region to exchange views on security issues.


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