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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-27

qualifying connection 符合资格关系

qualifying residential period 符合资格居留期间

quarantine and immigration anchorage 检疫及入境船只碇泊处


Queuing Information System 排队轮候信息系统

queuing-for-a-tag system 排队领筹制度

quota 配额

quota ceiling 配额上限

quota entrant 配额内的入境者

quota system 配额制度;派筹制度

reader-printer 阅读复印机

real name 真实姓名

rebuttable presumption 可推翻的推定

recent arrival 新抵港人士;新移民

reception centre 羁押中心;接待中心;收容所

recipient country 收容国

reciprocal agreement 互惠协定

recognizance 担保书;担保;具保书

record of employees 雇员记录

record of proceedings 法律程序记录

re-entry permit 回港证

Re-entry Permit and Passport Issuing Office 回港证及签发护照办事处

re-entry visa 回港签证;返回原居地签证

referee 咨询人

referee's statement 咨询人声明书

refuge 庇护

refugee 难民

Refugee Action of the United Kingdom 英国难民行动组

refugee camp 难民营

refugee centre 难民中心

Refugee Co-ordinator 难民事务统筹专员

refugee identity card 难民身分证

refugee processing centre 难民处理中心

refugee status 难民身分

refugee status determination procedure 审定难民身分程序

Refugee Status Review Board [RSRB] 难民身分覆检委员会

refusal notice 拒予入境通知书

regional transit centre 地区收容中心

register book of births 出生登记册

register book of deaths 死亡登记册

register computer 登记计算机

register form 登记表格

registered name 登记姓名

registered residence 户籍

registrar 登记官;登记官员

registrar certificate 登记官证明书

Registrar of Births and Deaths 生死登记官

Registrar of Marriages 婚姻登记官

Registration Division [Immigration Department] 人事登记科〔入境事务处〕

registration of a minor 未成年人登记

registration of births 出生登记

registration of customary marriage 旧式婚姻登记

registration of deaths 死亡登记

Registration of Persons (Application for New Identity Cards) (Consolidation) Order [Cap. 177] 《人事登记(申请新身分证)(综合)令》〔第177章〕

Registration of Persons Office 人事登记处

Registration of Persons Ordinance [Cap. 177] 《人事登记条例》〔第177章〕

registration of persons record 人事登记记录

Registration of Persons Regulations [Cap. 177] 《人事登记规例》〔第177章〕

Registration of Persons Tribunal 人事登记审裁处

registration of persons warning index 人事登记警告索引

regular residence registration form 常住人口登记表

Re-integration Assistance Programme [Vietnamese migrant] 重投社会援助计划〔越南船民〕

reissuance due to loss 遗失补领

reissued passport 因遗失而补领的护照

reject a claim 驳回申索

remain 居留;逗留

removal 遣送离境;遣返;遣离

removal from Hong Kong 遣离香港

removal order 遣送离境令

removee 遣送离境者

renewal 换领;续期

renunciation 放弃;退出;丧失

renunciation of Chinese nationality 退出中国国籍

repatriation 遣返;遣返原居地

repatriation service 遣返;协助回国

repatriation upon arrest 即捕即解

repatriation upon interception 即捕即解

replacement 补领;补发;换领;取代

replacement passport 取代护照;换领护照

reportable death 须予报告的死亡个案

representation 申述

re-registration 重新登记

re-registration of birth 出生重新登记

re-registration of juvenile for adult identity card 儿童换领成人身分证

Rescue at Sea Programme [RSP] 海上救援计划;海上拯救计划

Rescue at Sea Resettlement Offers Scheme [RASRO Offers Scheme] 为海上获救者安排移居海外计划

Rescue at Sea Resettlement Offers Transit Centre [RASRO Transit Centre] 海上获救者临时收容中心

resettlement 移居海外

resettlement country 收容国

resettlement destination 移居地

resettlement prospect 移居外地机会

resettlement quota 收容额

residence requirement 居留期限;居留条件;居留规定;居住年期的规定

residence visa 居留签证

resident 居民

resident British citizen 居港英国公民

resident United Kingdom belonger 居港联合王国本土人

residential qualification 居留资格

residential status 居留身分

restitution of conjugal right 恢复夫妻同居权

restoration of Chinese nationality 恢复中国国籍

restricted returnability 返回原居地受限制

restricted validity 有效期受额外限制

restriction 条件限制

resumption of citizenship 恢复公民身分

return 申报表;呈报表

returnability 返回原居地的条件;送还的可行性

returnee [Vietnamese migrants] 回国者〔越南船民〕

returning emigrant 回流移民

returning immigrant 回流移民

returns of births and deaths 生死申报表

revocation 撤销

right of abode 居留权

right of abode endorsement 居留权签注

right of abode hotline 居留权查询热线

right of access 查阅权利

right of renewal 续期权利

right to land 入境权

right to land endorsement 入境权签注

rightful holder 合法持有人

River Trade Terminal (Area 38, Tuen Mun) 屯门38区内河货运码头


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