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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-12



BEIJING, May 23 (Xinhua) -- The latest terrorist attack in Xinjiang has once again revealed the brutal and evil nature of terrorism. It will never make the public quail but ensure people unite more tightly against such violence.

Explosions that rocked an open air market in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Thursday morning have left 31 dead and more than 90 injured.

Two vehicles broke through roadside fences and plowed into people while explosive devices were also set off.

As senior citizens and children are among the frequent visitors to such markets, it is believed that scores of the victims may be members of these vulnerable groups. As such, this is a bare display of the terrorists' indiscriminate malice against society and all human beings.

The attack gives more clear evidence that the terrorists have no grounds to justify their unscrupulous attacks and they should be regarded as a common enemy of the entire society.

The public, on the other side, will be united more closely, as empathy with the victims and their families will enable people to see through the terrorists' anti-human, anti-society and anti-civilization nature and strengthen resolve in the fight against terror.

Moreover, to protect its people, the Chinese government is determined to crack down on such criminality.

In response to Thursday's explosions, President Xi Jinping pledged to severely punish terrorists. He called for a tough strike against terrorists so as to safeguard social stability.

Premier Li Keqiang, meanwhile, called on authorities to step up safety measures and eliminate weak points in public security, to protect people's lives and properties.

With increasing support and solidarity among the people, China has enough confidence and capability to crack down on terrorists.

Furthermore, it should be noted that the problem of terrorism not only frets China but also haunts many other countries, and the solution to it will also need more international cooperation and commitment.

During his keynote speech at the fourth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia this week, Xi pledged "zero tolerance" for terrorism, separatism and extremism.

He also expressed expectation of closer exchanges and cooperation among countries and regions in this regard.

Following the bloody attack, the international community has also voiced strong condemnation, highlighting that terrorism in any form can not be condoned.

It is certain that terrorist forces will face isolation from all people who love peace and cherish life in the world, and that terrorism is doomed to failure.


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