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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-12

Military observers in China are suggesting the new Chinese aircraft carrier currently under construction is going to be quite different from the country's first vessel.

Chinese officials, in confirming the construction of the new aircraft carrier, say its going to be based fully on Chinese needs and designs.


The new aircraft carrier is going to be run on a conventional power plant, and will be designed to accomodate the domestically-developed J-15 fighter jets.

China's Ministry of Defense says the design of the country's second aircraft carrier has been made from the lessons and experience gleaned from the testing done on the "Liaoning."

The "Liaoning" is China's first aircraft carrier.

It is former Soviet-designed carrier purchased from Ukraine in 2012.

Cao Weidong with the Chinese Navy's Academic Research Institute says virtually everything on the new Chinese-designed aircraft carrier is going to be different from the "Liaoning."

"It's going to have a brand new propulsion system, as well as an independently-designed hull that will be built with Chinese-developed special steel. There is no doubt that its interior structure will be totally different from the Liaoning's."

Cao Weidong says the new aircraft carrier is the latest step in China's establishment of a 'blue water' navy.

"China's naval strategy has seen a significant change from inshore a defense strategy to escort missions on the high seas. The deployment of the new aircraft carrier will make the PLA navy more capable of conducting escort missions and and protecting waterways along the 21st maritime Silk Road."

The Chinese military observer also says the new aircraft carrier is going to be well armed.

"Weapon systems, such as China's latest phased array radar, short-range anti-aircraft missiles and quick-firing cannons will be installed on the new ship. It's likely the new carrier is also going to have an upgraded communication system."

Cao Weidong says the launch of the new aircraft carrier will also give the Chinese Navy an upper hand when it comes to maritime disputes.

It's expected the carrier will still employ a so-called "ski-jump" ramp to allow the J-15 fighter jets to take off.

US-produced carriers employ a catapult system to launch their fighter jets.

At this point, there is still no timetable for the new ship's entry into service.

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