An Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jewish news website has cut Kim Kardashian — one of the world's most photographed women — from a photo taken of her in Jerusalem this week.
The original photo of Kardashian, her husband, Kanye West, and Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat was altered to put Kardashian behind a restaurant receipt. Kardashian was blurred in another.
Nissim Ben Haim, an editor at the Kikar HaShabbat website, said Wednesday they removed Kardashian because she's a "pornographic symbol" who contradicts ultra-Orthodox values.
Kikar HaShabbat新闻网站的编辑Nissim Ben Haim周三称,他们刻意将卡戴珊的形象抹去,理由是卡戴珊是“色情的象征”,与他们极端正统的信仰相违背。
In an article chiding Barkat for dining with them at a non-kosher restaurant, Kardashian was referred to as "West's wife."
Within the insular Ultra-Orthodox community, pictures of women often aren't shown out of modesty. In January, an ultra-Orthodox newspaper removed German chancellor Angela Merkel from a photo.
ultra-Orthodox 极端正统派
pornographic 色情的
insular 保守的,偏狭的
(译者:丁潇BISTU 编辑:彭娜)