Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province will jointly developagricultural landscape tourismin their boundary areas, according to a cooperation agreement signed.
首批示范区域(demonstration areas)包括房山十渡—野三坡沟域、门头沟灵山—蔚县、怀柔白桦谷—丰宁沟域、密云雾灵香谷—兴隆沟域、平谷黄松峪—蓟县。今后,这些区域的景观(scenic spots)将形成有机整体(organic whole),统一推广优良景观作物新品种,更多农田景观将出现在京津冀周边。
"As a part of the integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the unified planning and management of these landscapes can help further promote agricultural tourism around them," said an official at the Hebei Provincial Department of Agriculture.
“怎样相互取长补短,资源共享(sharing resources),形成合力,为游客提供更好的服务,为农民创造更多价值(creating value)?这是我们今后需要多下功夫的地方。”北京市农业局农业技术推广站站长王克武说。