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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-11

43. sympathy

1. I do feel sorry for him.


2. I do hope it's nothing serious.

3.I feel pity for the old man.

4.I am sorry to hear the news.

5.that's a shame!

6.bless you!

7.I do sympathize, I assure you.

8.Is there anyway i can help?

9. Did it really?

10. it's nothing I think.

Dialog 1

I just had a terrible week.

what a shame!

I fell down and hurt my arm.

That's too bad.

then my son drove into a tree

the dog bit the delivery boy.

What a pity!

and a storm blew our roof away.

Ho, no!

Dialog 2

John got a heart attack last night.

Oh really? Is he all right?

Not so good, though his nephew took him to hospital in time.

Poor old John! I am ever so sorry.

Dialog 3

what's the matter with you? You look so upset and tired.

My father failed in business.

Oh, that's really tough.

Maybe it is the most difficult period of my family have experienced.

I can understand. By the way, is there anyway I can help?

No, not now. I have found a part-time job. So perhaps I can help my family to come over the difficulties.

Oh, that's so great, bless you! if you need me, I'll always be there.

Thank you.

Dialog 4

They must have got in through the kitchen window.

if only we'd remember to close it.

I am afraid your diamond bracelet has gone, darling!

I wish I'd put it in the bank.

look! they've taken your fur coat too.

I know, I am sorry I ever bought it.

I noticed they've taken our radio and left the television.

It's a pity they didn't take the tele. We need a new one. Anyway we can claim for all this from the insurance company.

I wish we could, but we can't, you see, we are not insured.

Dialog 5

I've just got the examnation results. I am afraid you haven't passed.

Oh, no! I can't have failed. surely?

I am afraid so. I am terribly sorry!

Whatever am i going to tell me parents.

Don't worry about that, I am sure they will understand. After all, it was a very difficult exam.

what am I to do?

You can always take it again.

Dialog 6

You look upset, is there anything wrong?

Yes, to tell you the truth, there is.

What is it?

Well, I've lost my wallet and my ID card.

Oh, that's too bad! I am sorry to hear that!

Forget it, there is no use crying over the spilled milk.

I felt really sorry for John. He was really unlucky. On him, that proverb it never rains but pours turned out to be true. He fell in his final exam first. then his father passed away. Now you can't imagine the worst is still waiting for him. He had an accident yesterday, the doctor said that he had to cut his leg, but fortunately his life was safed. Oh, hard lives!


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