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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-11

77. Describing people

1. How does she look like?


2. what do you think of her?

3. what's the color of her hair?

4. What happened to her?

5. Have you seen her lately?

6. You look great in that suit, don't you?

7. Judging from her appearance, she must be a dancer. am i right?

Dialogue one

W: My friend Jane is very beautiful.

M: What's her figure?

W: Perfect. And I like her charming eyes, too.

M: What's the color of her eyes?

W: Dark blue.

M: how old is she?

W: Twemty.

Dialogue two

M: This is my friend Jenny.

W: What's her last name?

M: It's Snow.

W: What color are her eyes?

M: They're blue.

W: What color is her hair?

M: It's brown.

W: How old is she?

M: She's 42.

Dialogue three

W: Bill, how can you hear so happy today?

M: Aha. I've read of my roommate. I made a move today.

W: Really? What was the matter?

M: You knew Brain Locker?

W: Brain Locker? No, I don't think so. What does he look like?

M: Well, he's thin and tall. He has brown hair, a holt nose, green eyes and wearing glasses.

W: Mm. I've seen him a couple of times, I think.

This is Edward Hosley. He's called Ted for short. He's a pleasant young man. He's good looking and he has got many friends of his own age. He's 24. He's got a job in the office of a large factory not far from his home, where he works five days a week, Monday to Friday, nine o'clock to five thirty. He lives with his parents and gives his mother some money everyweek for food and other living expenses. He si happy to live at home. He has one luxury--a small car, which he bought second-hand. At weekend, he often comes to my house to play with me or we go travelling together. We enjoy a happy time together.

Describing People

1. He's tall and strong.

2. He must be kind.

3. He's a very serious person.

4. She's a sweet housewife.

5. My girl friend has got long black hair.

6. Her husband is five feet two inches tall

7. My daughter is a bit short-sighted.

8. He likes to wear conservative clothes.

9. He graduated from college in 1999.

10. She's fund of watching TV.

Dialogue one

M: Guess who i saw yesterday?

W: Who?

M: My cousin Monik. Have you seen her lately?

W: Not for a couple of years. What happened to her?

M: Nothing exactly. She's grown into a very attractive young lady.

W: Oh, she is.

M: You know, her long lovely blond hair and beautiful blue eyes really make her stand out from others.

W: Not surprising. I bet she's very tall and slim.

M: Yean. Around five feet five inches tall.

Dialogue two

W: Tonny looks very handsome in the suit.

M: He prefers suits to jackets.

W: Judging from his look, he's a very serious person.

M: As a matter of fact, he is.

Dialogue three

M: This is my aunt.

W: What does she do? She looks pretty.

M: She is a nurse.

W: She must be kind and careful.

M: Exactly.

Gorge was my friend a few years ago. But he isn't my friend anymore. A few years ago, he was poor. Now, he is rich. when I knew him, he worn shabby clothes, was very thin and lived in a small apartment. He rode a bicycle. He was quick-tempered and whenever he got into trouble, he turned to me for help. He was an art student then and had to work hard during holidays to help pay his way. Then he met Linda. Linda has a very rich father and Gorge married her. Now he wears expensive clothes, is rather fat and lives in a huge house. He drives a fast sports car. He's never in trouble I guess. and he's never turned out since he got married.


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