Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook made headlines this year when he announced that he plans to give away the vast majority of his estimated $785million fortune.
The head of the world's largest technology corporation told Fortune magazine that he intends to donate all his money to charity, after paying for his ten-year-old nephew's college education.
But Cook is far from the only high-profile multimillionaire to show such generosity. Dozens of the world’s wealthiest men and woman have committed to donating the majority of their impressive fortunes to charity - either during their lifetime of in their will - through The Giving Pledge.
Bill and Melinda Gates
Co-founders of The Giving Pledge Bill and Melinda Gates set up the initiative in 2010 as a means to encourage the wealthiest families to make a moral commitment to devote at least 50 per cent of their fortune to philanthropy.
According to Forbes, Microsoft founder Bill Gates’ net worth rose to a staggering $79.2 billion in 2015, making him the richest person in the world for the second consecutive year.
But he was also the top charitable donor. The billionaire businessman and his wife invested a massive $1.5billion into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is committed to tackling some of the world's toughest problems .
The donation brought Gate's lifetime giving up to $29.5 billion, Forbes reported.
The couple continue to devote most of their time to philanthropy through their foundation, with a focus on improving U.S. education and tackling extreme global poverty and health.
In 2010, Gates made one of the largest single charitable donations ever when he committed $10billion to develop and distribute vaccines in the hope it will save the lives of more than eight million children in the world's poorest countries.
Warren Buffett
Close friend of the Gates and Giving Pledge co-founder, Warren Buffett has made a public commitment to gradually give away more than 99 per cent of his wealth over his lifetime or in his will.
With a net worth of $70.6 billion, the 84-year-old investment mogul is currently the third wealthiest person on the planet, according to Forbes.