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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-11

11. Complaint

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1. Could you hurry up the bus?

2. Do you think you could turn your TV down a bit?


3. I’m afraid I have a complaint to make.

4. I’m afraid, sir, it just isn’t good enough.

5. He just won’t do.

6. Well, this is most unsatisfactory.

7. Would you please not make so much noise?

8. It’s always the case.

9. You’ve got to do something about it.

10. I really do object to your wasting our precious time here.

Dialogue 1

W: Could I see the manager please? I have a complaint to make.

M: Yes, I’m the manager here. What can I do for you, Madam?

W: Did you have the room checked before we move in?

M: Which room are you in?

W: 1808. The toilet doesn’t work properly; the water doesn’t run in the shower.

M: I’m awfully sorry to hear that. I’ll turn to it right away.

(After checking)

M: I do apologize. We’ll change your room to 2002.

W: That’s not bad. Thanks for your help.

M: It’s my pleasure, Madam.

Dialogue 2

M: Excuse me.

W: Yes, sir. Can I help you?

M: Um, this steak, I asked for to be medium rare.

W: Medium rare, that’s right, sir. I remember your order.

M: Well, I’m afraid it isn’t. It’s a bit too well done and rather tough. Would you mind changing?

W: If it is not to your satisfaction, I’ll certainly bring you another. But I’m afraid you may have to wait for a few minutes.

M: Yes, that’s all right. Thank you very much.

Dialogue 3

W: Look! I bought these shoes only three weeks ago and there is a hole in them already.

M: If that happen to me, I’ll take them back to the shop.

W: I did. But they said they won’t change them.

M: That’s terrible. But if they wouldn’t change them, I know what I would do.

Dialogue 4

M: Oh, the food here really is bad. My soup was cold and meat, ur…it was like leather.

W: Yes. And they don’t give you very much either. I’m still hungry.

M: I’m sure this one is especially bad. And the word is so unpleasant.

W: Don’t do this! Don’t do that! You mustn’t do this! You can’t do that!

M: Well, I’m going to write a letter of complaint.

W: And we’ll all help you.

Dialogue 5

W: Good morning.

M: Good morning. Can I help you?

W: Yes. It’s about this boots I bought here the other day.

M: What seems to be the trouble?

W: Well, they cut into my feet and rather painful. I was wondering if you could change them for me.

M: Um. That’s a bit difficult. No one ever complained before, you know. I’ll tell you what. I can try stretching them for you if you like. I think you’ll find that would be satisfactory.

I have no complaint at all. But the world is a little bit tough to me. I was born in a poor family with 6 elder sisters and 2 little brothers. I didn’t receive any good education, and you could imagine what my husband’s education is like. He usually calls rude names to me and I choose to pretend to be deaf. Our daughter, she is really a little lovely thing. But she is always crying and looks as if to say, ‘go away, I don’t like you.’ I am a woman, a small woman. It is universally acknowledged that I have no complaint at all.


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