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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-11

20. Invitation

ntrols="ControlPanel" autostart="false">

1. Can you come over and join us?

2. Shall we have a drink at this restaurant?


3. We’ll be glad you can come to attend our meeting.

4. Won’t you come with me?

5. You must join us for lunch.

6. Could we have the honor of your presents at the meeting?

7. I would very much. Thank you.

8. I’d like nothing better than to meet your parents.

9. That’s very nice of you.

10. It would give us great pleasure to enjoy Christmas with you.

Dialogue 1

M: Would you like to come out with me tonight?

W: Sorry, I can’t.

M: Tomorrow night, then?

W: I’d like to. But I’m afraid I can’t.

M: I’m wondering if you like to go to the theatre then.

W: That’s sounds great.

M: Ok. How about give me a ring, then?

W: No. I’d better not.

M: Why not?

W: Because I don’t think my husband would like it. Thank you for inviting me anyway.

Dialogue 2

M: When can we expect you and your daughter for dinner? Next Saturday?

W: Next Saturday? I’m sorry. I’ve promised to go to a Chinese Opera with my daughter.

M: How about Sunday then?

W: Yes, Sunday sounds fine. What time?

M: Does 6:30 suit you?

W: It suits us fine. We’ll see you then.

M: Thanks, goodbye.

Dialogue 3

M: Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

W: Oh, that sounds great!

M: I’ll pick you up at…say, 7:30?

W: Yes, that would be perfect.

M: See you tonight then.

W: Yes. Thank you for inviting me.

Dialogue 4

M: Are you doing anything tonight?

W: No, nothing. Why?

M: Do you like western music?

W: Yes, I do very much.

M: There’s a concert tonight. Would you like to go and listen to it?

W: Oh, yes. I’d love to.

Dialogue 5

F: 47088729. Hello, Could I speak to Mary, please? This is Mrs. Fort here.

M: This is Mary speaking.

F: Ah, Mary, good evening. Look, I was wondering if you like to come to a party we are having on Friday? There are many coming from the office.

M: Oh, that sounds nice. I’d love to.

Dear Professor Green,

I was told by our mutual friend Mr. Smith that you would visit China next month this year. May I take the opportunity to invite you to come to our college to give the students of our English department some lectures on Modern American Literature? Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.

With warm personal regards.

Your sincerely



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