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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-11

018 gratitude

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1. I’m much obliged.

2. Many thanks for your coming here.


3. Thank you very much indeed.

4. Thanks a lot for what you’ve told me.

5. I do appreciate your timely help.

6. I should like to express my gratitude for your kindness.

7. I’m extremely grateful to you.

8. It’s very good of you to give me the book.

9. It’s a pleasure.

10. That’s all right.

Dialog 1

M: You’re all set now?

W: Oh, thank you so much.

M: Really, it was nothing.

W: I really appreciated it.

M: I was happy to help.

W: It was so kind of you.

M: Don’t mention it.

W: You’re a real friend in need.

Dialog 2

W: Many happy retures of the day, darling?

M: Thank you very much.

W: And here is your birthday present.

M: A gold watch!

W: Do you like it?

M: I love it! Darling, you’re so kind.

Dialog 3

M: Jenny, are you having fun here?

W: Yes, of course. This is really a nice party with wonderful people and lovely wines.

M: I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

W: Thank you for the invitation.

M: It’s my pleasure. Would you like another glass of champagne?

W: Yes, please. Thank you for everything.

Dialog 4

M: Excuse me. May I take a picture of you and your little boy?

W: What’s it for?

M: It’s for a book.

W: Oh, that’s a nice idea. Well, it’s fine if you take our picture.

M: Thank you. I appreciate your help.

Dialog 5

W: I’ll pick you up at 5:30, OK?.

M: Fine. Do you have my address?

W: No.

M: It’s 761, Dearfield Drive.

W: Is that D-E-A-R-F-I-E-L-D?

M: That’s right. Well, I guess I’ll see you on Saturday then?

W: Right. I’m looking forward to it.

M: Me, too. Thanks so much for asking me. See you then.

W: OK. So long for now.

Dialog 6

M: Diana, do you like the perfume I gave you?

W: It’s good. But to tell you the truth, I don’t wear perfume.

M: I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.

W: That’s all right. Thank you all the same.

Dialog 7

W: Excuse me, Sir. Can you help me?

M: Sure.

W: Can you tell me how to get to London Street?

M: You should take the No.1 subway.

W: Is there a station near here?

M: Yes, the station is that way.

W: No.1 train. Thank you.

On this Father’s Day, I believe not only biological father should take a bow, but also step fathers. As the biological dad in a step family, I’m cutely aware of the fact that my daughter spends part of her time with her step dad and mum too. She’s shared by two families who love her. So while I’m going to enjoy this Father’s Day to the full list. My daughter’s step dad, please accept my gratitude. You are an important main influence for my daughter. And I appreciate your kindness love towards her. I hope one day society will have the courage to face up to the reality of step family situations. My dream is for step fathers and step mothers to each have their own special day of honor.


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