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共和党人: 学着去爱川普

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-11


共和党人: 学着去爱川普

AFTER a bruising workout in the primaries, both parties are supposed to clank back into line for the general election. The losers and maimed quell their sni?ing for the sake of unity. But that is not happening for Donald Trump. As Republican congressmen and senators returned to Capitol Hill on May 10th, the ranks backing the party’s prospective nominee looked ragged and querulous.


Many Republican congressmen have held off endorsing Mr Trump, including their leader, Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has declared himself “just not ready” to. Other Republican leaders, including two former presidents, George Bush senior and junior, a handful of senators, such as Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and at least one governor, Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, have said they will never back him. ‘Sometimes there’s a stink you just can’t wash off, kinda like a venereal disease,” said a Republican congressman. “That’s the problem Trump’s got.” There is muttering of mutiny, perhaps a rallying around an alternative leader. Senator Ted Cruz, who suspended his campaign after Mr Trump trounced him in Indiana, hinted on May 10th that he might reactivate it.

很多共和党众议员抗拒支持特朗普, 包括他们的领袖,国会众议院议长保罗·瑞安 。瑞安称,对于接纳特朗普,他“还没有做好准备。” 其他共和党领袖,像老布什 、小布什,众多参议员,比如南卡罗来纳州的林赛·格雷厄姆,至少一名州长,来自马萨诸塞州的查理·贝克尔都说过决不会支持特朗普。 一名共和党众议员说,“有时候,有一种臭味你怎么也洗不掉,就像是得了性病,这就是特朗普的问题所在。” 党内有人在悄悄低语着要哗变,可能会围绕替换的领袖,形成一个团体。在特朗普赢得印第安纳州的胜利后,泰德·克鲁兹退出了选举,不过他暗示,5月10日, 他有可能会重启竞选。

This is at once unprecedented and predictable. No presidential nominee has shown such contempt for his party’s verities as Mr Trump has. While professing to admire Ronald Reagan, he castigates free trade, vows to defend Social Security and apologises for Vladimir Putin. He has also missed no opportunity to belittle his Republican confrères.

这一切随即变得史无前例,又无法预计。从没有任何一个总统候选人,像特朗普一样对党内规则如此蔑视。尽管他宣称欣赏里根,但同时,他严厉批评自由贸易,宣誓维护社会保障体系,还给普京道歉。 他还不错过任何鄙视共和党同事的机会。

Asked, in an interview with The Economist, which brand was more powerful, the Republicans or his own, he responded by noting that a television debate he had appeared in was watched by 24m people; “Massive, massive show—biggest show in the history of cable. If I wasn’t in it, they would’ve had 3m-4m, if that.” Responding to Mr Ryan, he has declared himself “not ready to support Speaker Ryan’s agenda” which, he implied, ran contrary to the interests of Americans, who “have been treated so badly for so long.” That was less a snippy rejoinder than a statement of war. It identi?ed the prospective Republican nominee with those—around half the Republican electorate, according to recent exit polls—who say they feel “betrayed” by their party.

在接受经济学人的一次采访中,特朗普被问到,共和党和他,哪个招牌更强有力?他回答时,举了一个例子,在有他参加的一场电视辩论中,观看人次达到2400万。他说,“在电视史上,这都算是非常,非常高的收视率,如果不是我来的话,可能只有300万到400万人会收看。”而回应瑞恩先生,他则称,他也“没有准备好支持国会议长的工作安排”,他暗示,国会的很多安排不符合美国人的利益。这显然是一个略显暴躁的反驳 ,而不是开战的宣言。根据选后民意调查,半数美国人认为遭到其党派的“背叛”,而特朗普的表态,无疑会使这些人和潜在的共和党候选人产生共鸣。

As The Economist went to press on May 12th, Mr Trump and Mr Ryan were due to hold peace talks. The impression of a party in meltdown is helping neither. Despite his braggadocio, Mr Trump needs Mr Ryan’s help to raise money—he says he may need $1.5 billion—and to turn out the conservative vote in November. There are not enough aggrieved Republicans to give him victory; Mr Trump needs all Republicans including those, roughly a quarter of the total in recent primary exit polls, who currently say they will not vote for him.

当经济学人5月12日即将出版时,特朗普和瑞恩安排了和解会谈。党派正在分崩离析的样子对两方都不利。尽管特朗普大吹大擂,他还是需要瑞恩帮助筹集竞选资金。他说,他仍需要15亿美元,以期在11月竞选中,争取到保守派的选票。 那些认为受到伤害的共和党人的选票并不足以保证其胜利。特朗普需要所有共和党人的支持,包括在选后民调中,近四分之一的称不会支持特朗普的选民。

Mr Ryan’s interests are more balanced. A wonkish sort of politician, he must be horri?ed by Mr Trump’s policies. He preaches ?scal discipline, including by trimming welfare; Mr Trump, who vows to safeguard Social Security, promises tax cuts worth $10 trillion (though he says he is seeing if he can reduce that cost a bit).


A former acolyte of Jack Kemp, who retains his mentor’s optimistic belief in the power of enterprise and free markets to help the poor, Mr Ryan must ?nd Mr Trump’s angry pessimism even more objectionable. He denounced the tycoon’s proposed ban on foreign Muslims, as well as his reluctance to disavow the support of a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke.

作为 杰克·康普的前助手,瑞恩继承了他对于企业以及自由市场能够帮助穷人的乐观信念,因此,他发现特朗普愤怒的悲观主义,更让人无法接受。他公开谴责这位地产大亨对提出的外国穆斯林的禁令,还批评他不愿否认对3k党前头目大卫·杜克的支持。

Mr Trump’s off ensiveness is also a worry for the many Republican congressmen who are up for re-election in November and maintaining Republican control of both houses is one of Mr Ryan’s main responsibilities. John McCain, a senator from Arizona, a state with many Hispanics, who mostly loathe Mr Trump, has predicted a tough re-election ?ght for himself. Despite Mr Trump having denigrated his heroism as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam, however, Mr McCain is reluctantly backing the tycoon.

同时,特朗普的攻击性也使很多即将在11月参与连任竞选的议员们倍感担心,而保持对两院的控制,也是瑞恩的职责之一。约翰·麦凯恩,是来自亚利桑那州的参议员 ,这个州有很多西班牙裔,大部分都很讨厌特朗普,麦凯恩认为自己将会经历一场艰难的连任竞选。尽管特朗普用麦凯恩在越战的俘虏经历对其英雄主义诋毁,不过,麦凯恩仍然不情愿地支持这位大亨。

Sooner or later, Mr Ryan is likely to follow suit. He will not want to be seen blocking party unity. For the same reason, he and other front-rank Republicans will probably not be tempted to run as an independent, which would hand victory to Hillary Clinton, the prospective Democratic nominee. By holding out against Mr Trump, at least for a bit, Mr Ryan mainly hopes to persuade him to adopt a less vituperative style. He knows there is not much he can do to influence Mr Trump’s policies. “This is a big-tent party,” he said on May 11th. “There’s plenty of room for policy disputes.”


The painful fact for Republican leaders, including Mr Cruz, whose campaign is dead, is that Mr Trump has won. They have lost. The rest is mostly noise


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