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新东方英语900句提高篇49 地型地貌,天气

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-10

Lesson Forty-nine Land Features and Weather

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mountain 大山
hill 小山
mountainous 多山的
hilly 小山起伏的
earth / globe 地球
hemisphere 半球
eastern hemisphere 东半球
western hemisphere 西半球
northern hemisphere 北半球
southern hemisphere 南半球

Geographically, this country is located in the southern hemisphere.
Geographically, Australia is located in the southern
be located in = be in
China is in the northern hemisphere.
China is in Asia.
亚洲 Asia 欧洲 Europe 非洲 Africa
北美洲 North America 南美洲 South America
大洋洲 Oceania 南极洲 Antarctica
太平洋 Pacific Ocean 大西洋 Atlantic Ocean
印度洋 Indian Ocean 北冰洋 Arctic Ocean

新东方英语900句提高篇49 地型地貌,天气

It‘s a beautiful country with many large lakes.
名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers
泰山 Mount Tai
长江 Yangtze River
黄河 Yellow River
珠江 Pearl River
尼罗河 Nile River
亚马逊河 Amazon River
热带 tropical area
电鳗 electronic eel

The western part of the country is very mountainous.
The eastern part of the country is very flat.
The eastern part of the country is very hilly.
The land in this region is dry and parched.

moist 潮湿的
The land in the east is rich.
The land in the east is fertile.
The land in the west part of this country is very barren.

The mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons. The scenery is very beautiful.
mountain range 山脉
peak 高峰
canyon 峡谷
scenery 风景
Scenery is very beautiful.
Scenery is amazing.

Japan is made up of four large islands off the coast of Asia.
井 well
小溪 stream
池塘 pond
湖 lake
河 river
海 sea
洋 ocean
岛 island
海湾 gulf
盆地 basin
高原 plateau
平原 plain

The ground here is stony and not good for farming.
The ground here is very flat and good for farming.
The ground here is very rich.

How far is it from the capital to that coastal city?
How far is it from A to B?
How far is it from the hotel to the airport?
How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?
How far is it from China to US?
It‘s one hour flight.
It's 2 hours train ride
It's 10 minutes walk.
It's 20 minutes drive.

What‘s the longest river in the world?
What‘s the second largest river in the world?
What's the third largest river in the world?
It‘s Yangtse River of China.

As you travel westward, does the elevation get higher?
朝向 ward
westward eastward northward southward
forward backward toward
海拔 elevation
The elevation is 8848.
Mount Everest 珠穆朗玛峰

What kind of climate do you have? Is it mild?
气候 climate 天气 weather
How‘s weather in Beijing?
How's weather in Shanghai?
How's weather in winter?
It‘s cold. It's warm and windy.
It's dry and hot. It's dry and scorching.
It's cool and cozy.
It‘s brief. It's short. It‘s very harsh.
台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado
冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain
It looks like snow.
It looks like rain.

It‘s warm and sunny here. And there‘s a lot of rain.
sunny boy 运动男孩
What‘s the weather like today? It‘s a nice day.
It‘s a nice day.
It's a lovely day.
It's a beautiful day.

The temperature has climbed to 32 degrees.
temperature 温度
degree 度

The weather forecast says there‘ll be showers this evening.
shower 阵雨
storm 暴风雨
thunder storm 雷暴

China is in the northern hemisphere. It is in the Asian continent. The land is dry and parched in the west part. In the east, it‘s rich and moist. China is a beautiful country. It has lots of famous mountains and great rivers. We have Yangtze river, yellow river and pearl river. We have a lot of famous mountains like the Mount Tai, Huangshan mountain, Songshan mountain. The weather in China is quite different from part to part. In the west, it‘s dry. In the east, it‘s moist and it‘s often raining. And in the north, it's very cold in winter. In the south, it‘s very hot in summer.


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