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新托福口语学习 考题解析

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-10

新托福口语学习 考题解析

1.describe a special friend, why she/he is special to you?

诸如交给你一些人生的道理,在你最需要的时候帮过你,这时可以使用比如:just as the saying goes "a friend in need is a friend indeed"来点缀。或是帮你练英语口语,和你一起打篮球,与你拥有共同的兴趣爱好等

i think my friend Jack (同学们,别全用Jack,可以换成Jerry,horse等等)is a very special friend to me. there are several reasons for this. first, we share the same interest, playing basketball (女生可以说going shopping, 然后经常一起购物达7个小时还不过瘾等).youknow what, everyday we play basketball on the school field for at least 3 hours. second, he is one of the best ENglish partners. because Jack is much better at speaking ENglish and he always help me with my(此处my要重读) speaking English. you know, i have been working on Toefl ibt speaking section for 3 months and he has always been giving me a hand. so i am very thankful to Jack. and that is why I think he is a very special friend to me.(如还有两三秒钟,别忘了特别绅士或淑女地说声thank you)

2. u prefer to be a lead or supporting member in a group project?


personally speaking,i prefer to be a leader for the following reasons. first, based on my personally experience, that is definitely my choice. i mean ,i have always been a leader since i was a child.i still remember when I was a child and i hung out with a few children and i was a leader and it seemed that they liked me to be leader and let me decide everything. second, i think it is pretty cool to be a leader . you know, giving orders and scolding people for their wrong doings, wow, it think it is pretty unusual. for example, i am a leader and i ask one of my subordinates , uh, Jack, to finish a report within one day. and you know what's gonna happen? Jack will obey my order and finish his report in a day. finally, to be a leader means you gotta shoulder greater responsibility and i like that kind of feeeling and this makes me serious enough whenever i need to make a big decision. i like that.



in this set of materials, the reading passage is a proposal to stop campus venders and the listening material is a discussioon between 2 students.

第二段语速快的同学可以迅速提及,但不要说出过多的细节,以免影响后面的听力复述。比如 according to the reading passage, this students propose this for 2 reasons. one is venders polluted the campus and the other one is venders sell junk food就可以了。

垃圾桶 trash can 或garbage can 果汁 juice

4. 老师讲很多famer 讨厌在他们的crops 旁边长weeds,但是其实它有助于crops成长。用咖啡举例子,帮助protect fortilized soil wont be flashed away by water. protect coffee's leaves not be eated by insects.

提示:这里就一点没有提reading passage,大家在现场好好看吧

句型:farmers hate certain kind of situation , that is , weeds grow beside the crops farmers grow. they are pretty much unhappy about this. 对什么有利 benefit something 或beneficial to something , 或是help something a lot。 take coffee as an example。


词组句型提示:get hurt, carry her bycycle to the fourth floor, she was told to wait another month for that vacancy on the first floor. put outside, be afraid that, bother somebody. different schedule.我选择听朋友那里。 她不是怕打扰吗?提早去嘛,比如早去或按照对方的schedule调整一下,另外,放在朋友那里更安全,不用worry about being stolen or something.



功夫在平时了,临时抱佛脚也是需要的。我想再重申一下: 题目也可能一点都一样,如果是那样的话,就把这个当成走进考场前的最后一次实战演练吧!祝各位好运!Good Luck!


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