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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-26

Lesson 1 A private conversationprivate ['praivit] Adj. 私下的,私有的 ( secret; not for everyone's use) 【联想】: public 公共的;privacy隐私;清净【经典用法】: in private(私下里);private school(私立学校) 【例句】: I wish to have a private conversation with you.theatre ['WiEtE] n. 剧场,戏院;戏剧(A building where plays are performed;play)【经典用法】 go to the theatre(去看戏); theatre-goer(n.看戏的人); movie theatre (电影院);the theatre of Shakespeare (莎士比亚戏剧)【例句】: London has more theatres than any other British city.seat [si:t] n.座位; vt.使坐下(a place to sit ;to let somebody sit down.)【经典用法】 have a seat / take a seat 就坐be seated / seat oneself /坐下【例句】: Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated.play [plei] c.n.戏剧;u.n. 游戏【联想】 play(无规则的游戏;玩);game(有规则的游戏;运动,比赛)【经典用法】 put on a play(上演一场戏)children at play(玩耍的孩子)loudly [`laudli] Adv. 大声地,高声地 【联想】 (同) aloud 出声地; read aloud(朗读);noisily(嘈杂地) 【例句】: Don't talk so loudly.angry [Angri] Adj.发怒的,生气的;狂暴的(风雨)【联想】 get cross/ mad(发怒); unhappy(不快)【经典用法】 angry person/ look(愤怒的人/表情)be/get angry with somebody.(生某人的气)【例句】 Please don't get angry with me.pay [pei] (to give money for something you have bought)n. 薪水vt. 付款;给予【经典用法】 pay attention to (注意); pay sb a visit (拜访某人) 【例句】 I paid her $200 for the painting.attention <5tenF([)n] n. 注意,关心;注意力【经典用法】 pay no attention to (毫不在乎…)the center/focus of attention (关注的焦点)【例句】 Now they have stopped paying attention to the film star.end [end] (the last part of sth;to finish or stop)n. 末了,终点;v.结束 【经典用法】 at the end of something(在...的末尾);in the end(最后)【联想】 finally;at last(最终);eventually[终于(经过努力之后)]【例句】 Then he sat down on the seat at the end of the garden.bear [be[(r)] (suffer from; put up with) vt.忍受;负担;带来 【联想】 (同)stand(忍受); tolerate


(宽容); sustain(支撑)【例句】 I don't feel very well. I can't bear this weather.none [nQn] Pron.没有人(事);adv.(决不)【联想】 no one , not any one (后不可加of)(注意:none 后可接of)【例句】: None of them speaks English very well.business [`biznis] n.事务,职责,生意(the activity of buying and selling; sth that concerns you;)【经典用法】 It's none of your business.(不关你的事。)Mind your own business.(管好你自己的事。)run a small business(做小生意)rudely [`ru:dli] (in a way that is very impolite) Adv.粗鲁地【联想】 (同)impolitely(失礼地);rashly( 冒失地)见3册【例句】 The boy spoke rudely to his teacher .



(宽容); sustain(支撑)【例句】 I don't feel very well. I can't bear this weather.none [nQn] Pron.没有人(事);adv.(决不)【联想】 no one , not any one (后不可加of)(注意:none 后可接of)【例句】: None of them speaks English very well.business [`biznis] n.事务,职责,生意(the activity of buying and selling; sth that concerns you;)【经典用法】 It's none of your business.(不关你的事。)Mind your own business.(管好你自己的事。)run a small business(做小生意)rudely [`ru:dli] (in a way that is very impolite) Adv.粗鲁地【联想】 (同)impolitely(失礼地);rashly( 冒失地)见3册【例句】 The boy spoke rudely to his teacher .




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