When she began her career as a professional sheep dog Floss was impressive - the sheep responded well to her, she was faster than your average and she certainly looked good.
But farmer Dave Issac has reluctantly decided to sell Floss as she is now too big to get through his farmyard gates - because she is a Peugeot estate car.
Mr Issac, 46, who lives on an 180-acre farm near Battle in East Sussex, converted the family car into a working sheep dog in tribute to his dog which had recently died.
He spent £2,000 covering the family car in fur and modifying it until it became an exact replica of Floss, his favourite sheep dog.
Floss the sheep dog car, who has a top speed of 40mph, soon proved to be a surprisingly effective herder as the flock of sheep failed to notice they were being rounded up by a much larger animal with headlamps for eyes and an exhaust.
Mr Issac said: 'I know it was a bit of a mad thing to do but it was a tribute to my old sheep dog Floss who passed away.
'I have three kids and we loved her and as a family we all missed her terribly.
'So I got together with a friend and we built Floss the sheep dog car in my barn, copying as closely as I could every last detail of my old dog.
'Sheep aren't known for their intelligence and they didn't seem to notice the difference so they were quite happy.
But Floss the car, which is not licensed to drive on public roads, is now too big to navigate along the narrow farm tracks and through the gates to Mr Issac's fields.
Because Floss also required a timber frame built around the Peugeot's chassis to attach the fur, the car is now taking up too much space in the barn of a busy working farm.
Mr Issac added:'They were things we didn't really consider when we built her so with a heavy heart she is going on E-bay.
'It's been a lot of fun and she handles well, is obedient and nice and docile and surprisingly aerodynamic.
Mr Isaac hopes Floss the sheep dog car may interest festival organisers or dog charities as a fun car.
'As long as she goes to a good home I'll be happy,' he said.
Floss shares more than a few characteristics with the iconic Mutts Cutts van immortalised in the cult film Dumb and Dumber.