A food-show video spoof has become a tasty topic for China’s ravenous netizens, with most finding the tongue-in-cheek parody deliciously funny.

舌尖上的宿舍·泡面篇 A Bite of Dormitory: Instant Noodles
Since its release on Saturday on the Sohu video portal "A Bite of Dormitory: Instant Noodles" has won more than 1.82 million hits and has been searched 30,695 times on China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo in less than 48 hours.
The eight-minute parody, made by a group of students from China Youth University, is unlikely to win awards for cinematography, but it succeeds as a biting parody of "A Bite of China", a popular documentary series on Chinese cuisines drawing record ratings in its second season.
The homemade video mimics all aspects of the original "Bite", most notably the voiceover, settings, video cuts and the music. The skit even ensures the narrator’s emotions sound the same.
The farcical part comes with the choice of the famous local specialty, in this case arguably the most unimpressive food ever: instant noodles.
The spoof explains the ingredients, the process of making the dish and, in the end, calls it "a feast that people from all over the world celebrate" and "a taste bud GPS that traces down the different paths your roommates pursue and locks onto the valuable memories you share in the dormitories".