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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-07



Many popular American TV shows including the Big Bang Theory were removed from Chinese video websites due to policy reasons, sparking discussions among Internet users.

Ifeng.com has taken a survey on this issue and as so far, there have been 65,043 net users who have participated. The results show that 67% of respondents considered removing American TV shows would influence their life, and among which 42.33% believes the influence would be significant.

美剧禁播引发网民热议cription="编辑提供的本地文件" sourcename="本地文件" style="border-left-width: 0px; height: 281px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-right: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width: 500px" />

A poster of US TV showthe Big Bang Theory

Moreover, most respondents (with 90.52%) considered that removing the shows could not bring a chance for domestic play because their target audiences are different. Also, almost seven in ten think American shows should not be examined the same way domestic shows are.

So far 75,062 Sina Weibo users have taken part in the discussion about the topic.

"I saw the Big Bang Theory when I was in college. How time flies! It has lasted for seven years. I cannot find my condition from back then even through opening QQ Space," said one Sina Weibo user named Xiaomingjiaodaming.

"I’m not a big fan of the Big Bang Theory and I started watching it in 2012 by accident. I watched six seasons during the summer holiday and have updated each episode each week. Sometimes I cannot wait for the Chinese version so I just watch the original one. I have learned a number of words and American slang. It is the only TV show I keep following so it is very uncomfroatble that I have missed the last episodes of seven season," said Phapsody, a Sina Weibo user.

"I agree with the policy of controlling micro films. Since it has appeared, the threshold of filmmakers is getting lower and lower. Many so-called original filmmakers make x-rated movies under the guise of a micro film," said a Weibo user Chaijunzhi.

"Every country has a film and television review system, it is very strict for reviewing films and television programs for to minors in Europe and American, but there is a clear classification comparing with China, hence there are considerable limits for scriptwriters in China," said Meidan, a Sina weibo user.

Four popular American TV shows have been cut from many Chinese video websites due to policy reasons while another American TV show "A Game of Thrones" (Chinese dubbed version) was shown on CCTV’s Premium Channel on April 27.

Two removed shows include "The Big Bang Theory" and "The Good Wife", which both have many fans all over China. Other removed shows are "Naval Criminal Investigative Service" and "The Practice."

More foreign shows may be taken off video sites

Tougher regulations on television series produced in the United States may be coming after four shows, including popular comedy The Big Bang Theory, were removed from major online video sites in line with a government order, analysts warned on Monday.

Chinese video websites should learn how to cope with regulatory changes, although this specific development may have a "very limited impact" on profits, they added.


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