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经过327天 马来西亚宣布MH370失事(双语)

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-05

马来西亚民航局局长爱兹哈尔丁29日通过马来西亚广播电视台宣布,马来西亚航空公司MH 370航班失事,推定机上所有239名乘客和机组成员已经遇难。

爱兹哈尔丁在声明中说:“马来西亚、中国、澳大利亚政府不惜一切代价投入了大量资源搜寻MH 370航班客机。搜寻工作的首要目的是找到客机,找到答案。我们希望,上述努力能为乘客和机组人员的家属带来一些安慰。我们已经努力对所有可靠的线索进行了追踪,对所有掌握的信息进行了分析。令人遗憾的是,经过327天(截至2015年1月28日)的努力,仍未找到失踪客机的位置。”

Director General of Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said onThursday that the Malaysian government officially declared MH370 an accident, and all 239 peopleon board the plane were presumed dead.

"It is therefore, with the heaviest heart and deepest sorrow that, on behalf of the government ofMalaysia, we officially declare Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 an accident ... and that all 239 of thepassengers and crew on board MH370 are presumed to have lost their lives," Azharuddin said in astatement.

After 327 days (as of Jan. 28, 2015) and based on all available data as well as circumstancesmentioned earlier, survivability in the defined area where the plane was located was highly unlikely,the statement said.

"Malaysia Airlines will undertake their responsibilities in relations to the legitimate rights and interestsof the next-of- kin, which includes the fulfillment of the compensation process," it said, adding thatthe company was ready to proceed immediately with the compensation process.

The statement also said a special section had been established on the MH370 website, whichincluded information on the search and investigation efforts, the compensation process, responsesto the inquiries of the next-of-kin as well as other forms of assistance that were available to therelatives.

Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, a Boeing 777 aircraft with 239 people including 154 Chinese aboard,disappeared on March 8 last year shortly after taking off from Kuala Lumpur en-route to Beijing.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has announced the ill- fated plane had "ended in the southernIndian Ocean," following analysis of data released by British satellite telecommunications companyInmarsat.

A massive multinational search operation, joined by 65 aircraft and 95 vessels from 25 countries,has been launched from the South China Sea, the Bay of Bengal to the southern Indian Ocean,but the searchers so far have not found the wreckage.

As to the investigation, the statement said the "Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety InvestigationTeam for MH370," comprising representatives from seven countries was conducting its safetyinvestigation, while a criminal investigation led by the Royal Malaysia Police was also ongoing.

Both investigations were limited by the lack of physical investigation evidence at this time,particularly the flight recorders.

"Therefore at this juncture there is no evidence to substantiate any speculations as to the cause ofthe accident. An interim statement detailing the progress of the safety investigation is expected tobe released on or around the one year anniversary of the accident," it added.



马来西亚当地时间2014年3月8日凌晨1时22分(世界标准时间3月7日下午17时22分),一架马来西亚航空公司机型为波音777-2H 6ER、注册编号为9M -M RO、呼号为M H 370的航班,在飞往北京途中,经马来西亚与越南空域交界处IG A R I导航点后,与空中交通管制失去联系。





因此,我们怀着最沉痛的心情,代表马来西亚政府正式宣布,根据芝加哥公约附件12、13有关规定,马来西亚航空公司M H 370航班失事,并推定机上所有239名乘客和机组人员已遇难。





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