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CNN新闻:国外考试SAT作弊 美推迟公布中韩考生分数

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-05

2014年10月30日,CNN发表题为“Cheating claims delay SAT test scores in China, South Korea”的文章,报道SAT被曝“作弊” 美推迟公布中韩考生分数。


CNN新闻:国外考试SAT作弊 美推迟公布中韩考生分数

Cheating claims delay SAT test scores in China, South Korea

By Wilfred Chan, CNN

October 30, 2014 -- Updated 0730 GMT (1530 HKT)

Hong Kong (CNN) -- Thousands of Chinese and South Korean students applying for colleges and universities in the United States face an anxious wait amid claims of widespread cheating during recent SAT tests -- the measure used in the admissions process.

Their scores have been delayed pending an inquiry, despite the deadline for college applications fast approaching.

“based on specific, reliable information, we have placed the scores of all students who are current residents of (South) Korea or China and sat for the October 11 international administration of the SAT on hold while we conduct an administrative review,” Tom Ewing, spokesperson for test assessors the Educational Testing Service (ETS), said in a statement.

“(We) strongly denounce organizations that seek to illegally obtain test materials for their own profit,” added Ewing.

In recent years, China in particular has experienced a surge in the number of students applying to U.S.-based colleges and universities. But fierce competition in China has led to a culture of cheating, according to Beijing-based educational consultant and teacher Jiang Xuequin.

“Chinese people see education as a game to be beaten,” he told CNN. “If you can beat it, you're a good player. If you can't beat it, then you're just stupid. Cheating is seen as a fair way to play the game.

“There's absolutely no sense of shame in cheating... it's been going on for years.”

Electronic cheating

Just days ago, 2,440 Chinese students taking a national exam were caught using high-tech cheating gear, from wireless earpieces to “electronic erasers.”

But the problem isn't unique to China. South Korea, another country with large numbers of students studying in the United States, has been hit cheating as well, with unscrupulous tactics often blamed on intense cramming schools called “Hakwons.”

Last May, College Board, which runs the SAT system, canceled an SAT testing date in South Korea after tutor companies were suspected to have illegally acquired SAT testing materials in advance and told their students what would be on the test.

SAT被曝“作弊” 美推迟公布中韩考生分数


SAT考试承办机构ETS的发言人托马斯·尤因(Thomas Ewing)表示:“基于确实可靠的消息,我们决定推迟发布所有韩国或中国10月11日境外参考学生的成绩,进行行政重审。”除此之外,他还声称“我们强烈谴责那些为了自身利益,非法获取考试信息的机构。”



几天前,2440个中国学生在高考中被发现运用高科技手段作弊——从无线耳机,到“电子橡皮擦”。此类现象非中国独有,还出现在韩国--另一个美国留学生来源大国。韩国考生的不择手段则被归咎于高强度填鸭式的培训机构(韩语:“Hakwon”)。去年5月,SAT考试的组织者College Board得知,韩国某培训机构非法提前获取了5月SAT考题,并透露给考生,于是取消了5月份在韩国的所有SAT考试。


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