
Joint Statement on Deepening the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit 关于深化互利共赢的中欧全面战略伙伴关系的联合声明
Brussels, 31 March 2014 2014年3月31日,布鲁塞尔
1. At the invitation of the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, and of the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China visited the European union in Brussels from 31st March to 1st April 2014. The Presidents had an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral, regional and international issues. 一、应欧洲理事会主席赫尔曼·范龙佩和欧盟委员会主席若泽·曼努埃尔·巴罗佐邀请,中华人民共和国主席习近平于2014年3月31日至4月1日对布鲁塞尔欧盟总部进行访问。双方领导人就双边、地区和国际问题深入交换了看法。
2. Both sides agreed that this first visit by the Chinese President to the European union was a historic landmark in EU-China relations. They welcomed the significant strengthening of bilateral ties over the last 40 years, which have benefitted both sides and the world as a whole, and underlined their determination to strengthen the global dimension of their cooperation. Both sides are willing to deepen their understanding of each other’s development choices. The EU supports China’s commitment to deepen reform comprehensively, and acknowledges China’s goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, while China supports the European integration process, and acknowledges the EU’s reinforcement of its Economic and Monetary union . 二、双方一致认为中国国家主席对欧盟的首次访问是中欧关系史上的里程碑。双方欢迎中欧关系近40年取得长足发展,认为这有利于中欧双方以及整个世界。双方强调决心加强全球层面合作。双方愿加深对彼此发展选择的理解。欧盟支持中国全面深化改革、认同中国实现全面建成小康社会的目标。中国支持欧盟一体化建设,认同欧盟加强经济与货币联盟建设。
3. The EU and China reaffirmed their commitment to deepening their partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilisation, based on the principles of equality, respect and trust, by comprehensively implementing the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation. They agreed to review its implementation at the next annual EU-China Summit. 三、双方一致同意,本着平等互信、相互尊重的原则,深化中欧关系,全面落实《中欧合作2020战略规划》,共同打造和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系。双方同意通过新一次中国欧盟领导人年度会晤评估《中欧合作2020战略规划》落实情况。
4. In order to advance their common interests in safeguarding world peace and stability, both sides agreed to enhance their cooperation in addressing regional and global challenges. Both sides emphasised multilateralism and the central role of the United Nations in international affairs. They underlined the importance of resolving international and regional disputes through peaceful solutions. 四、双方同意加强合作应对地区和全球性挑战,扩大在维护世界和平与稳定方面的共同利益。双方强调多边主义和联合国在国际事务中的核心作用,以及和平解决国际和地区争端的重要性。
5. Both sides acknowledged the need to reinforce their cooperation on foreign policy and security issues. They decided to continue dialogue at the bilateral and multilateral levels to promote nonproliferation and disarmament. They underlined the growing role of trans-regional and regional dialogue mechanisms to promote regional peace and prosperity, and looked forward to the next Asia-Europe (ASEM) Summit on 16-17 October 2014. 五、双方一致认为有必要加强外交政策和安全问题上的合作,决定在多双边层面就推动防扩散和裁军继续开展对话。双方强调跨区域和区域对话机制对于促进地区和平繁荣日益重要,期待将于2014年10月16日至17日举行的新一届亚欧首脑会议。
6. Both sides reviewed a number of important international political issues including Iran, Syria, Ukraine and the security situation in their respective neighbourhoods. They welcomed the recent first round of the EU-China Dialogue on the Middle East and North Africa. They exchanged views on recent developments in Africa in view of the upcoming EU-Africa Summit. 六、双方讨论了一系列重要的国际政治问题,包括伊朗、叙利亚、乌克兰及各自周边地区安全形势,并对双方近期举行的首轮中东事务磋商表示欢迎。鉴于欧非峰会召开在即,双方就近期非洲形势交换了看法。
7. Both sides welcomed the joint naval exercise on counter-piracy held on 20 March 2014 in the Gulf of Aden, which reflected the successful joint efforts of the Chinese Navy and of EU operation ATALANTA in strengthening maritime security and fighting piracy. The EU welcomed China’s readiness to increase the frequency of escorts by the Chinese side of the World Food Programme vessels transporting food aid to Somalia, and both sides agreed to enhance their cooperation to the benefit of partners in the African continent. Both sides agreed to gradually raise the level of EUChina dialogue and cooperation on defence and security, and to conduct high-level exchanges. 七、双方对2014年3月20日在亚丁湾海域举行的中欧反海盗护航联合演练表示欢迎。此举表明中国海军以及欧盟阿塔兰塔行动为加强海事安全和打击海盗所作的共同努力取得成功。欧方对中方愿为世界粮食计划署运送索马里食品援助的船只增加护航频率表示欢迎。双方同意就此加强合作,为非洲大陆国家带来福祉。双方决定逐步提升中欧防务安全对话级别与合作水平,以及开展高级别交流。
8. The two sides reaffirmed the importance of the promotion and protection of human rights. Both sides agreed to deepen exchanges on human rights at the bilateral and international level on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and to strengthen their human rights dialogue with constructive discussions on jointly agreed key priority areas. 八、双方强调促进和保护人权的重要性,同意在平等和相互尊重的基础上深化双边和国际人权事务交流,并在协商一致的关键和重点领域通过建设性的讨论加强人权对话。
9. Both sides share responsibility for ensuring that their economies remain key drivers for global economic growth and providing prosperity for all. The EU and China reaffirmed their shared commitment to an open global economy and a fair, transparent and rules-based trade and investment environment, opposing protectionism. They reaffirmed their commitment to create the conditions for enhancing trade and investment exchanges on the basis of mutual benefit. 九、中欧都肩负着继续拉动世界经济增长,实现共同繁荣的重要责任,重申将共同维护开放型世界经济以及公平、透明、基于规则的贸易投资环境,反对保护主义。双方重申致力于为促进互利的贸易投资交流创造条件。
10. They underlined the necessity of coordinating their policies to ensure strong, sustainable and balanced growth and to foster financial stability. They reaffirmed their commitment to implement their G20 commitments and to reinforce their cooperation within the G20, IMF, World Bank and WTO on global economic governance. 十、双方强调有必要加强政策协调,确保世界经济实现强劲、可持续、平衡增长,维护金融稳定。双方重申将履行在二十国集团峰会上所做的承诺,并在二十国集团、国际货币基金组织、世界银行和世界贸易组织内,就全球经济治理加强合作。
11. The EU and China welcomed the outcome of the first two rounds of negotiations on an EU-China Investment Agreement covering investment protection and market access, and looked forward to the timely conclusion of an ambitious agreement. Negotiating and concluding such a comprehensive EU-China Investment Agreement, covering investment protection and market access, will convey both sides’ joint commitment towards stronger cooperation as well as their willingness to envisage broader ambitions including, once the conditions are right, towards a deep and comprehensive FTA, as a longer term perspective. 十一、双方对中欧投资协定前两轮谈判的成果表示欢迎,并期待尽早达成这一具有雄心的协定。商谈并完成这一涵盖投资保护和市场准入的全面中欧投资协定,将传递双方致力于加强合作并实现更远大雄心的愿景,包括从长远看,在条件成熟时签订全面深入的自贸协定。
12. Both sides welcomed the recently achieved negotiated solutions in major trade remedy cases. Both sides recognised the importance of a responsible resolution of trade disputes. 十二、双方欢迎近期中欧就重大贸易救济案达成磋商解决方案,认识到负责任地解决贸易争端至关重要。
13. The EU strongly supports China’s swift participation in the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) negotiation. The EU and China consider the participation of China in the negotiation as an important stepping stone towards the future multilateralisation of TiSA. Both sides will step up their efforts, together with other parties, to work towards the conclusion of the negotiations on the review of the Information Technology Agreement. 十三、欧盟大力支持中国尽快参加《服务贸易协定》谈判。双方认为中国参加谈判是《服务贸易协定》未来实现多边化的重要一步。双方将同各方一道加紧努力完成《信息技术协定》的审议磋商。
14. In view of the great potential to improve their transport relations, both sides decided to develop synergies between EU policies and China’s “Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative and jointly to explore common initiatives along these lines. 十四、中欧加强交通运输关系潜力巨大,双方决定共同挖掘中国丝绸之路经济带倡议与欧盟政策的契合点,探讨在丝绸之路经济带沿线开展合作的共同倡议。
15. Given the importance both sides attach to the rule of law, they decided, based on the principle of equality and mutual respect, to continue to develop dialogue and cooperation on legal and administrative affairs. 十五、鉴于中欧对法治的重视,双方决定本着平等和相互尊重的原则,继续就司法和行政事务开展对话与合作。
16. The two sides expressed their readiness to learn from each other’s reform processes. Both sides are committed to exchanging experience in such key areas as urbanisation, enhanced cooperation on the environment, regional development, urban-rural integration, governance systems and governance capacity building. They reaffirmed the importance of the EU-China urbanization partnership as a key instrument to promote sustainable development. They looked forward to it being translated into concrete projects on the ground. 十六、双方愿在彼此改革进程中相互学习借鉴,致力于在城镇化、环保合作、区域发展、城乡一体化、治理体系和治理能力建设等重点领域交流经验。双方重申城镇化伙伴关系是促进可持续发展的关键,期待着将这一伙伴关系转化成具体合作项目。
17. Both sides also reiterated their commitment to closer cooperation on global governance. The EU and China expressed their readiness to further strengthen EU-China dialogue on major international development issues, as well as their respective development policies, including efforts to formulate and implement the post-2015 development agenda and sustainable development goals. 十七、双方将就全球治理开展更紧密合作。双方愿就重大国际发展问题和各自发展政策加强对话,包括推动制定并落实2015年后发展议程和可持续发展目标。
18. Both sides recognised the need to strengthen cooperation on climate change in preparing a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the United Nations framework Convention on Climate Change applicable to all Parties to be adopted in 2015 at the Conference of Parties to the Convention (COP21) in Paris. They underlined their commitment to making significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions through credible and verifiable domestic action. Both sides agreed on the importance of all parties presenting their contributions well in advance of the Paris meeting. The EU and China will cooperate on taking domestic action to avoid or reduce the consumption of HFCs and to work together to promote a global phase-down of these substances. 十八、双方认为需加强气候变化合作,以准备《联合国气候变化框架公约》之下适用于所有缔约方的一项议定书、另一法律文书或具有法律效力的议定成果,在2015年巴黎举行的《公约》第21次缔约方会议通过。双方强调致力于通过可信、可核查的国内行动实施重大温室气体减排。双方认同各国在巴黎会议前尽早提交其贡献的重要性。中欧将合作采取国内行动避免或减少氢氟碳化物的消费并合作推动全球逐步削减这些物质。
19. Both sides recognised the special importance of strengthening culture, education and youth exchanges between the EU and China. They decided to hold the next round of the High Level People-to-People Dialogue in May 2014. They agreed to enhance cooperation on mobility and migration issues. They supported the development of EU-China cooperation on sustainable tourism. 十九、双方认识到加强中欧文化、教育和青年交流的特殊重要性,决定于2014年5月召开中欧高级别人文交流对话机制新一次会议。双方还将加强人员往来与移民事务合作,支持中欧可持续旅游领域合作进一步发展。
20. The two sides renewed their pledge to work for further progress in EU-China relations over the next decade to the benefit of the people of the EU and China and in the interest of world peace and prosperity. 二十、双方重申致力于推动中欧关系在未来十年取得进一步发展,造福中欧人民,并促进世界的和平与繁荣。