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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-03


President Xi Jinping on Saturday encouraged young Chinese people to dare to dream, work assiduously to fulfill the dreams and contribute to the revitalization of the nation.


He said the young generation with firm will, strong sense of responsibility and great professional competence is the hope of realizing the "Chinese dream."

Xi made the remarks during a discussion with a group of outstanding young people from all walks of life, including space technology engineers, agricultural researcher and electric welder, to mark the country's Youth Day on Saturday.

The "Chinese dream" is a much-discussed concept that has been brought to prominence by Xi. It is widely understood to mean the renewal of the Chinese nation.

"Young people should be optimistic and tenacious when facing adversities," Xi said, asking them to remain steadfast in their faith, refine their professional skills, embrace innovation, work hard and build noble characters.

When visiting the China Academy of Space Technology, where the meeting was held, Xi said the nation places great hope for the youth in achieving scientific and technological innovation.

He said young scientists have played a backbone role in China's lunar probe program, unmanned and manned space craft and satellite technology.

"A nation will be prosperous if its young generation is ambitious and reliable," said Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

He expected the young generation to make great accomplishment, and encouraged them to work at the grassroots and the front line in order to hone their skills and enhance abilities required in their career.

"Young people should emancipate the mind, advance with the times, forge ahead and innovate so as to gather experience and make achievements," he said.

He asked all levels of Party committees and the government to create favorable conditions for young people's career development.


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