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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-03



There's just one day to go until the people of Crimea take to the polls for the controversial vote on whether to stay part of Ukraine or become part of Russia. The west and Ukraine say the vote is illegal, while in Russia, President Vladimir Putin has defended the region's right to hold a referendum.

In Moscow, opinion is mixed among Russians on how they feel about the prospect of Crimea becoming part of the Federation.

Sergei runs this book stall on the busy Arbat Street, just a stone's throw from the Kremlin. He hears the opinions of Russians and Ukrainians living in Moscow every day. For him, President Vladimir Putin is doing the right thing by taking action.

"Yes, Russia did the right thing. Because otherwise, it would have been like in Yugoslavia, Serbia, Bosnia. It would be the same. The same scenario is being used," he said. "If people say no, then troops shouldn't stay. Time will tell, history will tell.

"This isn't about Ukraine allowing or not allowing this, it's about Russia and U.S., so Crimea is just a cause," he added.

People go about their daily business in Moscow knowing that their country is in the world political spotlight. A recent survey showing 45 percent of Russians believe the West provoked what Putin calls the coup in Ukraine.

Researchers say many Russians would be happy if Crimea votes to join their country.

"This will be a sort of revenge, or a sort of feeling of victory towards the West which in certain parts of public opinion of those who believe the West was to blame for the disintegration of the Soviet union ," said Tatiana Vorozheykina, a senior researcher at Levada Center.

But that view isn't felt by everyone. Opinion on the streets of Moscow is divided. Despite the simplicity of the question being put to Crimeans, what people here feel towards the region and Ukraine is more complicated:

"Because it so happened that Crimea is part of Ukraine, it should stay there. We have Sochi, we have Abkhazia, and we should leave them in peace. Nobodoy owes anyone anything. I think Crimea should be part of Ukraine."

"Crimea should be part of Russia. It used to be part of Russia and it should be part of Russia, because soon, Russia will be the biggest and the best power. It has always been and it will be, and America can't cause us any problems."

Putin's view reaches far in Russia - but not everyone shares it. It is now down to the Crimeans to decide on their region's future.


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