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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-02


Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has signed a breakthrough agreement with three opposition leaders, aimed at ending deadly violence on the streets of the capital Kiev. The signing was witnessed by two EU foreign ministers who brokered the deal.


Yanukovych has promised to form a national unity government, and says a presidential election will be held by December. He's also vowed to restore the country's 2004 constitution within 48 hours, and limit the constitutional power of the president.

Watching and waiting. Protesters occupying Kiev's Independence Square listen to a live session of parliament to see what'll happen next.

Lawmakers are trying to push through new legislation they hope will prevent a repeat of this week's violent confrontations that've left dozens dead.

The protesters were encouraged by the arrival on stage of police, who apologized for the bloodshed.

"We're here because we want to be here. All of us," said police unit head Horsky Vitaly. "And I'm sure the leaders of other units will say the same. We came here to be with you, and we hope our example will show all policemen from all regions that they don't have to be afraid."

It appears a sense of calm has returned to the square as the protesters rest, recover, and regroup. They are organized, to say the least. Food and aid continue to arrive, even as the wounded are treated.

"As doctors, we aren't sure about the politics, but we are all here and we can provide a first response," said Volodimir Diakyiv, a volunteer doctor. "But if we start getting lots of injured people here, it will become very difficult."

All sides are hoping that can be prevented. In the meantime, life in the square continues. But the stakes have undoubtedly been raised, and the problems can't be swept away.

If there are suggestions that there's a truce in site, it's not being felt here. The protesters are reinforcing their positions, and reinforcing the barricades at the site of Thursday's deadly clashes.

The protesters deeply mistrust the government and declarations made by the president. They're here, they say, to stay.

"We are all people. Everybody is afraid for their life. Everybody has a family. But luck is on our side," said protester Serhiy Shtikalo.

They hope that luck will last.


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