扑球的各种英文表达Goalkeeper Sergio Romero saved two penalties Wednesday to send Argentina into the World Cup final with a 4-2 shootout win over the Netherlands after the game finished in a 0-0 stalemate.
守门员“扑出点球”除了上文中的save penalties以外,还可以用block/stop penalties表示。在提到德国门将诺伊尔的扑救时,外媒还用到了这样一个表达: Neuer denied Benzema with a key save in the dying stages(在最后时刻,诺伊尔成功扑出了本泽马的射门)。
与之相对的,守门员扑救失败,导致球队失球就可以用leak/concede/allow goals表示,如,He has leaked only three goals in five games at the World Cup(在世界杯的五场比赛中,他只扑丢了三个球)。