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sanchi油船起火 持续燃烧一周后沉没

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-02

周日,在上海海岸与货船相撞持续燃烧一周的巴拿马籍游轮沉没。1月6日,载有136,000 吨冷凝物来自伊朗的Sanchi游船长江口以东约160海里处与香港籍散货船“CF CRYSTAL”发生碰撞。

The burning Panama-registered oil tanker off the coast of Shanghai sank on Sunday, over a week after it collided with a cargo ship.

Sanchi was carrying 136,000 tonnes of condensate from Iran when it collided with CF Crystal, a Hong Kong-registered bulk freighter, about 160 nautical miles east of the Yangtze River estuary in Shanghai on Jan. 6. The oil tanker was en route to South Korea.

- East China Sea collision: rescue continues, black box retrieved

- Expert: Burning oil tanker may cause adverse impact on environment

sanchi油船起火 持续燃烧一周后沉没

CCTV Photo

Sanchi was submerged in water hours after it was rocked by yet another explosion at noon.

The wreckage from Sanchi is still on fire, and spilled fuel is covering an area of 10 square kilometers, according to a CCTV reporter aboard a plane from the State Oceanic Administration.

The sinking location is about 151 nautical miles southeast of where the collision occurred, as the tanker began drifting in the wake of the accident.

sanchi油船起火 持续燃烧一周后沉没

CCTV Photo

The ship has been ablaze since the collision, and bad weather conditions had hampered the rescue and salvage work.

The bodies of only three of the 32 crew members – 30 Iranians and two Bangladeshis – were found.

sanchi油船起火 持续燃烧一周后沉没

CCTV Photo

Chinese experts have warned that the condensate aboard Sanchi could threaten the maritime environment as it may contain high levels of sulfide.

The cause of the accident remains unknown. The ship’s Voyage Data Recorder (VDR), similar in function to airplanes’ “black box,” has been retrieved for analysis.

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