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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-26

Nanjing is no Bretton Woods.

南京不是布雷顿森林(Bretton Woods)。(译者注:二战后,在美国的布雷顿森林签订的《布雷顿森林协定》确立了以美元为中心的国际货币体系。)


A meeting in China's former capital, called at the behest of France, was meant to bring together G-20 leaders to put the international monetary system to rights. The French perhaps thought they had common cause with China against the dominant role of the dollar in the international financial system.


But if so, they thought wrong. Given that China holds $1.6 trillion in dollar debt, calling an end to the dollar's reign would hardly shore up the value of its investment. So Thursday's gathering was relegated from a leaders' summit in Beijing to a ministerial meeting in Nanjing. With a sprinkling of academics thrown in and discussion limited to a single day, the chances of any breakthrough results look small.


In the absence of clear political will, contenders for the heavyweight reserve-currency crown will have to slug it out on their own merits. The reigning champion, weighing in at 61% of global reserves, is the dollar. With the world's largest economy, deep and liquid capital markets, and the benefit of incumbency, the dollar packs a powerful punch.


But after a long time at the top, it is also looking a little flabby. The greenback's dominance means other countries have little choice but to hold their reserves in dollars. That let the U.S. live beyond its means in the buildup to the crisis, and finance a response with foreign capital. With a falling dollar now eroding the value of its debt, abuse of that privilege has won the U.S. few friends among its creditors.


But contenders for the dollar's crown aren't yet at their fighting weight. The euro, with 26% of global reserves, is the leading challenger. But with its own debt problems, no proven mechanism for ensuring fiscal restraint among its members and no integrated financial market, the euro zone could be an even more irresponsible steward of the global financial system than the U.S.


That leaves China. Progress toward an international role for the yuan has been rapid. In 2010, $76 billion in trade transactions were settled in yuan, up from less than $1 billion in 2009. But there is a big difference between a trade-settlement currency and a reserve currency. As the world's biggest exporter, there is no reason why China can't demand payment in yuan for its goods. But with a closed capital account and continued control over the exchange rate, there is little prospect that it will be able to establish the yuan as a reserve currency.


The dollar might not be in fighting shape, but with the other contenders still in the featherweight division, it will be a while before the U.S. has to surrender the reserve-currency crown.



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