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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-26

A year after Google Inc. moved its search services out of mainland China, the Internet giant is struggling to maintain traction on a range of businesses in the country despite its executives' desire to keep growing in the wake of a feud with the Chinese government.

谷歌公司(Google Inc.)与中国政府发生不和、并将其搜索服务撤离中国内地一年之后,虽然这个互联网巨头的高管们希望继续保持增长,但它在中国的一系列业务还是很难维持势头。


Chinese online media company Sina Corp. said this week that it dropped Google's Web-search service from its popular portal site, marking an end to one of the U.S. firm's most important remaining partnerships in the market.

中国在线传媒公司新浪(Sina Corp.)本周说,其备受欢迎的门户网站已经弃用谷歌网页搜索服务。谷歌在中国市场剩余的最重要合作关系之一就此终结。

At the same time, Google's Gmail free email service has become difficult to use in China; the company blames stepped-up efforts by censors to disrupt Gmail access.


Meanwhile, new regulations to tighten oversight of online map providers make the future of Google's map service in China unclear. On Thursday, the deadline for applying for new online mapping licenses, Google said it was in discussions with the government on how it can continue operating the service. It wouldn't comment on the likely outcome of those talks.


The developments are the latest signs that significant parts of Google's business in China, home to more than 450 million Internet users, have been unraveling since March 2010. It was then that Google replaced its self-censored China search service with an unfiltered version based in Hong Kong, citing censorship and cyberattacks.

Bloomberg News百度和谷歌上的北京地图。这些情况进一步说明,在网民数量超过4.5亿的中国,谷歌的部分业务从2010年3月份以来一直在缩减。当时,谷歌以审查和网络攻击为由,用一个基于香港、未经过滤的搜索服务取代了它在中国内地实行自我审查的版本。

The company's share of search-market revenue in China dropped to 19.6% last quarter from 35.6% a year earlier, or just before Google's announcement, according to research firm Analysys International.

据研究公司易观国际(Analysys International)数据,谷歌上季度在中国搜索市场收入中的份额,已从一年以前、也就是谷歌宣布退出之前的35.6%下降到19.6%。

Chinese rival Baidu Inc. has thrived in the wake of weakened competition from Google, increasing its share of search-market revenue to 75.5% in the fourth quarter from 58.4% in the last three months of 2009, according to Analysys.

由于来自谷歌的竞争弱化,中国对手百度公司(Baidu Inc.)茁壮成长。据易观国际数据,去年四季度它在搜索市场收入中的份额是75.5%,2009年第四季度的份额为58.4%。

Meanwhile, phones with Google's Android software, shipped officially in China from Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc., come pre-installed with links to search products by Baidu and Microsoft Corp.'s Bing, but not Google.

与此同时,由摩托罗拉(Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc.)经正规渠道在中国销售、安装谷歌Android软件的手机,只预装了百度和微软(Microsoft Corp.)必应(Bing)搜索产品的链接,没有谷歌的链接。

Still, Google has fared better than the most dire expectations after its year-ago move, which some analysts said might trigger a complete block of its services in China. Google still offers music-search services in China and maintains operations such as sales and research. While its Web-search services are often unstable due to sporadic connection disruptions by China's Web filters, the search sites remain accessible.


Google's president of Asian-Pacific operations, Daniel Alegre, said in January that Google is still committed to China and continues to invest "aggressively." He didn't provide details.

谷歌亚太区总裁阿莱格尔(Daniel Alegre)在1月份说,谷歌对中国市场仍有坚定信念,并且仍在“大举”投入。他没有具体说明。

Google spokeswoman Jessica Powell on Thursday said growth in China isn't dependent on Web-search traffic in the country, and that the company continues to experience growth in revenue from China through sales of ads on its international websites purchased by Chinese companies targeting overseas users, as well as display ads on third-party websites.

谷歌发言人鲍尔(Jessica Powell)周四说,公司在中国市场的增长并不是取决于它在这个国家的网页搜索流量,通过向中国瞄准海外用户的公司出售其国际网站上的广告和第三方网站上的展示广告,它在中国仍然实现着收入的增长。

In the past year, Google's deals to provide technical support and Web-search services to partners, such as online forum operator Tianya.cn and Tom Group Ltd., have ended -- in part because the company is phasing out agreements to provide censored content to its partners.

过去一年,谷歌向网络论坛运营商天涯网(Tianya.cn)和TOM集团有限公司(Tom Group Ltd.)等合作伙伴提供技术支持和网页搜索服务的交易纷纷终止,部分原因在于,谷歌正在逐步取消向合作伙伴提供审查后内容的协议。

Ms. Powell said the company continues to work with "hundreds of partners," large and small, in China. Google's own Transparency Report shows that traffic from users in China has gradually decreased as a percentage of overall global traffic, to below 20% now from around 30% before the change.



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