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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-01

Japan patrol craft spotted unidentified submarines just outside the country's territorial waters, prompting Tokyo to issue a warning that it may order security action if submersible craft enter its waters岸developments that could further aggravate strained ties with Beijing amid a territorial dispute.



Japan's defense ministry said a submarine was spotted by a P-3C Maritime Self-Defense Force patrol aircraft Sunday night passing near Kume Island in Japan's Okinawa Prefecture in the East China Sea. The ministry said the submarine had left the area by Monday morning.

日本防卫省说,周日夜间,日本海上自卫队的一架P-3C巡逻机在日本位于东中国海(East China Sea,中国称东海)的冲绳县久米岛(Kume Island)附近发现一艘潜艇。防卫省说,周一早间前,这艘潜艇已离开该水域。

In a separate incident, another unidentified submarine was detected traveling west of Amami-Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture on May 2.


Japanese media said government officials believe the submarines were likely to have been Chinese. China's foreign ministry didn't respond to faxed questions seeking comment.


While the submarines didn't violate international maritime law岸they didn't enter the 12-nautical-mile territorial waters near the areas in question岸their sightings rattled Japanese officials and led the government to issue a warning that an order deploying the military to maintain maritime security could be issued if submarines enter Japan's territorial waters.


'These are serious acts. If [submarines] enter our territorial waters while underwater, we would have to implement maritime security action,' Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told parliament Tuesday. Defense Minister Itsunori onodera said the government won't reveal information on the nationality of the submarines due to intelligence concerns.

日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)周二对议会说,这些行为都很严重;如果潜艇在水下进入我国领海,我们将必须采取保障海洋安全的行动。日本防卫大臣小野寺五典(Itsunori Onodera)说,由于情报方面的担忧,政府不会透露有关潜艇国籍的信息。

Japan's top government spokesman, Yoshihide Suga, said Monday that the two incidents were publicized as it was deemed 'worthy of attention.'

日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)周一说,这两起事件被公开,是因为此事值得引起注意。

While the Japan Coast Guard is responsible for protecting Japan's coastlines, the defense minister can order the Self-Defense Forces to be deployed for maritime security operations if the situation is considered beyond the coast guard's capabilities.


There have been two such occasions in the past around Japanese waters. In the first case in March 1999 the SDF chased two North Korean spy ships and fired warning shots after the ships were spotted off Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture.

过去,在日本海域附近发生过两起这样的事件。一起事件是在1999年3月,日本自卫队在石川县能登半岛(Noto Peninsula)附近水域发现两艘朝鲜间谍船,自卫队进行驱逐并开枪示警。

The second incident took place in 2004 when a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine entered Japanese territorial waters near Okinawa Prefecture's Ishigaki Island. While international law calls on submarines to surface and raise their national flags when cruising in the territorial waters of a foreign nation, the submarine didn't.

另一起事件发生在2004年。当时,一艘中国核动力潜艇进入冲绳县石垣岛(Ishigaki Island)附近的日本领海。尽管按照国际法规定,一国潜艇在别国领海行驶时,必须浮上水面,并悬挂本国国旗,但中国潜艇却没有这样做。

The sightings and warning follow months of renewed tension between Japan and China over a group of strategically important and resource-rich islands in the East China Sea, known as the Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese.


On Monday, the Japan Coast Guard said three Chinese maritime surveillance vessels entered Japanese territorial waters near the islands. The incident prompted Shinsuke Sugiyama, director general of the foreign ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, to lodge a protest with China through its minister to Japan, Han Zhiqiang.

周一,日本海上保安厅说,三艘中国海监船进入争议岛屿附近的日本领海。此事促使日本外务省亚洲及大洋洲事务局局长杉山晋辅(Shinsuke Sugiyama)通过中国驻日公使韩志强向中方提出了抗议。

A coast guard official said Tuesday that the intrusions brought the number of days this year that Chinese ships have entered Japanese waters near the islands to 24 days, surpassing the total of 23 days Chinese vessels entered territorial waters last year.


The territorial dispute between Tokyo and Beijing flared up again last September when the Japanese government bought three islands in the chain from their private owners, prompting a wave of anti-Japan protests across China. Tensions escalated further in January when Tokyo said a Chinese warship locked weapons-controlling radar on a Japanese ship and helicopter.



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