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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-01


Despite concerns over environmental pollution and poor tourist etiquette, more and more of China’s upper class are heading to the Antarctic. Tour operators expect 30 to 40 percent more Chinese to visit the southern polar region this year.


Despite concerns over environmental pollution and poor tourist

etiquette, more and more of China’s upper class are heading to the


The Antartic is the ultimate dream destination for China’s elite class.

Song Xiao’ai and her parents went there.

"It’s a dream for our whole family. The penguins, the snow, the glaciers - so beautiful. There’s no noise. I could feel myself and my spirit," she said.

Song says it’s an ideal choice for the upper class who now desire enlightenment over materialist pleasure. But such a lavish travel ambition comes with a hefty price tag. An all expenses paid tour package runs from 100,000 to 500,000 yuan.

"They say it’s like being in heaven. So they say price is not high compared to the experience that they can get. It’s really worth it," she said.

Price isn’t a consideration especially for those desperate for a clean break from the hustle and bustle of China’s big cities. Last year, about 2,000 to 3,000 Chinese people visited the Antarctic.


Despite concerns over environmental pollution and poor tourist etiquette,

more and more of China’s upper class are heading to the Antarctic.

But with growing interest has come concerns over environmental protection and poor tourist etiquette.

"Our clients are very good. They listen to our regulations, respect the animals and the environment. They are welcomed by fellow travellers and even the crew members like them," said Tao Yongliang, executive director of Diadema.

Tao Yongliang heads China and Asia’s biggest agency for tours to the southern polar region. He says his clients learn to appreciate nature.

And it’s a journey that has proven to boost family bonds.

More and more of China’s upper class are expected to set out to Antarctic. As of now, some travel agencies say they are already getting 30 to 40 percent more bookings compared to last year.

Many travellers are attracted to the Antarctic due to the Great Wall Station, China’s permanent research station based there. It’s proven to be very popular.

Just over Chinese New Year, some 100 tourists took a tour of the station.

And even more curiosity is linked to the Chinese icebreaker Xue Long’s recent rescue mission in the Antarctic. Enthusiasts are usually people in their early 40’s who are not tied down to a full-time job. And those who don’t mind flying 30 hours each way.

"The Antarctic is something I must see at least once in my life time so I don’t mind the long journey," said Chen Qi, antarctic adventurist.

Nonetheless, China’s young and old are captivated by the world’s most pristine spot. China’s fans of the Antarctic include eight years old and elderly in their 70’s. For most, it’s a once in a life-time visit. But some dare devils say they are saving up for more.


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