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Chinese FM presses DPRK to follow UN resolutions on the side

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-01

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged his DPRK counterpart Ri Yong Ho to abide by United Nations resolutions when the two held bilateral talks in Manila, the Philippines on Sunday.

Wang also urged South Korea and the United States to ensure that they take no provocative actions so that the tension on the Korean Peninsula wouldn’t get escalated further more.

Wang added that at this moment, the situation of the Korean Peninsula has reached to a critical point, which is an important time to make decisions and resume the Six-Party Talks.

China calls for each party to keep restrained, judge the situation peacefully, make efforts to ease the tension and accelerate the resumption of the Six-Party Talks.

The two leaders were attending a regional security forum alongside the ASEAN ministerial meeting, with representatives of other countries with a stake in the regional confrontation, including the US, Russia, South Korea and Japan.

Chinese FM presses DPRK to follow UN resolutions on the side

CCTV Photo‍

This happened after the United Nations Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on the DPRK.

Wang said that the new resolution against the DPRK included a call for the resumption of the six-party talks, commitment to finding a peaceful solution, and the emphasis of the importance of de-escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula by the parties concerned.

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