导言: 南丰傩舞俗称跳傩,是沿袭古代驱鬼逐疫的仪式“驱傩”,历经不断改革、创新,逐渐演变而成的传统民俗舞蹈。南丰傩舞因其动作简朴、刚劲,保持较多的原始风格,被誉为“中国古代舞蹈活化石”。
Traditionally, the Nuo dance is vigorous and dignified. The dancers all wear vivid, lifelike, wooden masks with different expressions.
The dancing forms are rich and the movements diverse and the dances are also highly narrative because they absorb the essence of Chinese myths and legends.
With the development of Chinese society, the Nuo dance began to lose popularity in most parts of China, and now it is only performed in remote townships and ethnic minority areas as a form of ancient sorcery.
The Nuo dance is a favorite folk dance in the villages of Nanfeng County.
According to local history, the Nuo dance was performed in Nanfeng as early as the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) to dispel evil spirits.
据当地历史记载,南丰有傩,自汉开始 (公元前206年-公元220年),那时傩舞用来驱除邪灵。
Nowadays, the Nanfeng Nuo Dance has absorbed various performing feats from operas, puppet shows, and martial arts and gradually developed into an entertainment.