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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-01



The details of the final will and testament of Nelson Mandela have been made public. A 40-page summary of the late former South African president's will was released at the Nelson Mandela Center of Memory in Johannesburg. It states that his estate is worth an estimated 4 million US dollars, excluding the assets in three Mandela Trusts.

Addressing a media conference, in Johannesburg, the executors of the late 95 year-old former president’, said he had drawn up his final will and testament 10 years ago in October 2004.

Beneficiaries of his estate include his wife Graca Machel, his children, grandchildren and great-grand children, as well as several members of his staff.

Dikgang Moseneke, Executor Justice, said, "A close reading of the will, will still have to be done by the deceased Former President Nelson Mandela."

Madiba left 50,000 rands each to some of his loyal workers, such as his executive secretary, his personal assistant and his personal chef.

He also left amounts of 100,000 rands each to several educational institutions, which he had attended, including the schools and universities which he had studied at as a boy and a young man.

Thoko Mavuso, Mandela's former personal assistant, said, "I feel overwhelmed and humbled. I didn’t think we meant so much to him. So I’m humbled."

Xoliswa Ndoyiya, Mandela’s former chef, said, "For the will, I don’t want to lie to you. It just came as a shock to me."

Prof. Adam Habib, Vice Chancellor of Wits University, said, "We are particularly touched by this gesture and this would be a great gesture to Madiba’s legacy."

The executors said no one had so far contested Nelson Mandela's will. They said his widow, Graca Machel, was entitled to 50-per cent of the estate, because the couple had been married in community of property.

According to South African law, she still had two months, to decide if she wishes to claim exactly half of the estate or waive her right to do so.


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