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德国Lilium Jet纯电动飞机试飞成功,科幻即将成为现实!

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-04-01

导读:4月25日,德国Lilium Jet纯电动飞机试飞成功,因此,未来这样的交通工具可能真的会在我们的头上飞舞!那以后在空中应该不会堵车了吧!

德国Lilium Jet纯电动飞机试飞成功,科幻即将成为现实!

The sci-fi dream of climbing into a flying pod and commuting high above the gridlock has moved a step closer following the successful maiden flight of what could be the vehicle of the future.


The prototype two-seater Lilium Jet, a compact and lightweight electric plane capable of vertical take off and landing, completed an unmanned test earlier this month.

双座Lilium Jet的原型是一架紧凑又轻便的能够垂直起降的电动飞机,于本月初完成了无人驾驶测试。

That’s given its German creators the green light to forge ahead with plans for a five-seat production model designed for air taxi and ride-sharing services -- or what sounds like an uber Uber.

这相当于德国的开发者们拿到了通行证,会持续进行针对空中出租车和共享汽车服务的五座式生产模式的计划,或者听起来像是Uber Uber。

"Seeing the Lilium Jet take to the sky and performing sophisticated maneuvers with apparent ease is testament to the skill and perseverance of our amazing team," co-founder and chief exec Daniel Wiegand says in a release.

联合创始人兼首席执行官Daniel Wiegand在一份声明中说:“看到Lilium Jet飞机能够轻松的飞入高空并进行复杂的演习,证明了我们这个优秀的团队的技术和恒心。”

"We have solved some of the toughest engineering challenges in aviation to get to this point."


The egg-shaped aircraft, which can be powered from a wall socket and could even take off from the garden, can ascend and descend vertically, like a helicopter.


Its 36 jet engines then tilt on moveable flaps from vertical to horizontal to provide forward thrust, with wings providing lift as in a normal airplane.


The Lilium Jet, which creates no harmful emissions and is quieter than conventional aircraft, is estimated to have a range of about 300 kilometers and a maximum cruising speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

这种Lilium Jet不产生有害排放物,比传统飞机更安静,估计飞行距离约为300公里,最大巡航速度为300公里/小时。

For maximum safety, each of the engines is individually shielded, so failure in one can’t affect the others.


Sophisticated sensors prevent the pilot from performing maneuvers beyond the jet’s predetermined safe flight parameters.


The company, which was started by four Munich university graduates in 2015, says the aircraft is designed to be flown in good weather conditions in uncongested airspace in the daylight.


It fits into the Light Sports Aircraft category, so a pilot’s license with at least 20 hours of training are needed to fly it.


"In the longer term, our target is to build an aircraft that not only the super-rich can afford, and that can make private air transportation possible for a much wider number of people," says Weigand.


The Lilium Jet could add a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Anyway, must fly..."

Lilium Jet可以为这个短语增加一个全新的意义,“无论如何,必须飞…….”

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