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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-04-01



Ivanka Trump, daughter and adviser to US President Donald Trump, could see her business thrive in China this year, as an increasing number of her trademark applications have been approved by Chinese regulators and her warm approach toward China has brought her a good reputation here, experts said on Wednesday.


"Ivanka Trump’s company will officially march into the Chinese mainland market in the second half of 2017," and it will start selling shoes, handbags and jewelry in Shanghai, a businessman with close ties to the brand told the Global Times on Wednesday.


The man, who spoke on condition of anonymity, noted that a myriad of domestic companies are now competing to become Trump’s designated Chinese agent for selling and distributing her company’s merchandise in China, because they consider the first daughter’s brand highly valuable and full of massive potential.

该名男子以匿名身份发言,他指出,目前无数的国内公司正在争取成为特朗普指定中国代理商,在中国境内销售和分销其公司的商品,因为他们认为第一个女儿的品牌价值非常高,充满巨大的潜力 。

Trump’s brand was hit by boycotts and removal from several major retail outlets in the US last year, but exports of her goods, most of which went to China, surged by an estimated 166 percent year-on-year, which has prompted expectations of a bumper year in 2017, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday.


It is estimated that in the first quarter of 2017, Chinese imports of Ivanka Trump’s merchandise will see an increase of an estimated 40 percent, the Associated Press said, citing a report published by trading data provider Panjiva Inc.

据估计,2017年第一季度,中国对伊万卡·特朗普的商品进口将增长约40%,美联社援引交易数据提供商Panjiva Inc.发布的一份报告。

"Ivanka Trump has been aiming at gaining a foothold in China. Her company - Ivanka Trump Marks LLC - has applied for numerous new trademarks in China since her father Donald Trump was elected as US President," Hao Junbo, a lawyer at Beijing-based Hao Law Firm, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

周三,北京好法公司律师郝俊波说:“伊万卡特朗普一直致力于在中国取得立足点,她的公司 - Ivanka Trump Marks LLC - 自她父亲唐纳德·特朗普当选为美国总统以来,已经在中国申请了众多新商标。”

The most recent approval was on April 6, when Trump’s company received approval from Chinese regulators for three new trademarks, giving it the exclusive rights to sell Ivanka-brand jewelry, bags and spa services in China, according to the Associated Press.


The approval also came on the same day when the first daughter and her husband sat next to Chinese President Xi Jinping for a steak dinner at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida during Xi’s visit to the US.


So far, Ivanka Trump Marks LLC has 16 registered trademarks in China and more than 30 pending applications, along with at least five that have been granted "preliminary approval," covering a wide range of goods and services such as cosmetics, luggage, clothes and beauty services, the Associated Press noted.

迄今为止,Ivanka Trump Marks LLC在中国拥有16个注册商标,30多个申请未决,同时,至少有五个商标已获得“初步批准”,覆盖了广泛的商品和服务,比如化妆品,行李,衣服和美容服务,美联社指出。

This shows the company’s desire for "further expansion in China in the near future," Hao said, adding that it will also make it "easier to file a lawsuit in case of trademark infringement."


The first daughter’s business in China is likely to flourish in 2017, mainly buoyed by "her amiable attitude toward China" and popularity in Chinese social media platforms, where netizens describe her as baifumei - white, rich and beautiful - and her "combination of beauty, wisdom and talent," said Hao.


Ivanka is seen by the Chinese public as having softened Donald Trump’s confrontational approach to China, experts said.


But experts also warned that the company still needs to learn from its past failures, following the closure of stores in Beijing, which the company reportedly attributed to the lack of "a proven track record of traffic."


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