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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-04-01



We all know that salty foods make you crave a drink.But is that really true? According to a landmark scientific study, it’s not.


An international group of researchers tested the theory by monitoring the salt intake and hydrating levels in cosmonauts during a year-long simulated mission to Mars.


They concluded that the adage is nothing more than an old wives’ tale.In fact, they found intensely savory food quelled thirst, making cosmonauts more hydrated and energetic.


The study - the first long-term research to analyze the link between diet and drink habits - will transform the way scientists look at urea in the body. once seen as simply a wasteful protein excreted in urine, it may actually hold value.


The decision to test the theory in space voyagers had two benefits.


Firstly, it is useful information for cosmonauts.Hydration is crucial on a long space voyage, where food and drink is limited.


In order to effectively organize their food stock, and keep astronauts healthy, space teams need to accurately calculate the relationship between salt and liquid intake.


Secondly, it provided a perfectly controlled environment.


Every aspect of a person’s nutrition, water consumption, and salt intake could be controlled and measured during the simulation.


The subjects were two groups of 10 male volunteers sealed into a mock spaceship for two simulated flights to Mars.


The first group was examined for 105 days; the second over 205 days.


They had identical diets except that over periods lasting several weeks, they were given three different levels of salt in their food.


The results confirmed that eating more salt led to a higher salt content in urine - no surprise there. Nor was there any surprise in a correlation between amounts of salt and overall quantity of urine.


But the increase wasn’t due to more drinking - in fact, a salty diet caused the subjects to drink less. Salt was triggering a mechanism to conserve water in the kidneys.


Before the study, the prevailing hypothesis had been that the charged sodium and chloride ions in salt grabbed onto water molecules and dragged them into the urine.


The new results showed something different: salt stayed in the urine, while water moved back into the kidney and body.


This was completely puzzling to Professor Jens Titze, MD of the University of Erlangen and Vanderbilt University Medical Center and his colleagues.

这让埃朗根大学和范德堡大学医学中心的医学博士Jens Titze教授和他的同事们着实费解。

What alternative driving force could make water move back?’ Professor Titze asked.


Experiments in mice hinted that urea might be involved. This substance is formed in muscles and the liver as a way of shedding nitrogen.


In mice, urea was accumulating in the kidney, where it counteracts the water-drawing force of sodium and chloride. But synthesizing urea takes a lot of energy, which explains why mice on a high-salt diet were eating more.


Higher salt didn’t increase their thirst, but it did make them hungrier. Also the human ’cosmonauts’ receiving a salty diet complained about being hungry.


The project revises scientists’ view of the function of urea in our bodies.’It’s not solely a waste product, as has been assumed,’ ’Instead, it turns out to be a very important osmolyte - a compound that binds to water and helps transport it. Its function is to keep water in when our bodies get rid of salt. Nature has apparently found a way to conserve water that would otherwise be carried away into the urine by salt.’


The new findings change the way scientists have thought about the process by which the body achieves water homeostasis - maintaining a proper amount and balance.


That must happen whether a body is being sent to Mars or not. ’We now have to see this process as a concerted activity of the liver, muscle and kidney,’ says Jens Titze.

Jens Titze说,“不管有没有被送到火星,这一过程都会发生。”“我们现在应当把这个过程看成是肝脏、肌肉和肾脏的一种协同运动。”

’While we didn’t directly address blood pressure and other aspects of the cardiovascular system, it’s also clear that their functions are tightly connected to water homeostasis and energy metabolism.’


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