In 1992, more than 170 countries came together at the Rio Earth Summit and agreed to pursue sustainable development, protect biological diversity, prevent dangerous interference with climate systems, and conserve forests. But, 25 years later, the natural systems on which humanity relies continue to be degraded.
So why hasn’t the world become much more environmentally sustainable despite decades of international agreements, national policies, state laws and local plans? This is the question that a team of researchers and I have tried to answer in a recent article.
We reviewed 94 studies of how sustainability policies had failed across every continent. These included case studies from both developed and developing countries, and ranged in scope from international to local initiatives.
我们回顾了94个关于可持续发展政策在大陆上失败的研究。 这些包括发达国家和发展中国家的案例研究,范围从国际到地方的举措。
Consider the following key environmental indicators. Since 1970:
Humanity’s ecological footprint has exceeded the Earth’s capacity and has risen to the point where 1.6 planets would be needed to provide resources sustainably.
The biodiversity index has fallen by more than 50% as the populations of other species continue to decline.
Greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change have almost doubled while the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent.
The world has lost more than 48% of tropical and sub-tropical forests.
The rate at which these indicators deteriorated was largely unchanged over the two decades either side of the Rio summit. Furthermore, humanity is fast approaching several environmental tipping points. If crossed, these could lead to irreversible changes.
这些指标在二十年来里约峰会的任何一方出现恶化的程度基本保持不变。 此外,人类正在快速接近几个环境转折点。 如果跨越的话,可能会导致不可逆转的变化。
If we allow average global temperatures to rise 2℃ above pre-industrial levels, for example, feedback mechanisms will kick in that lead to runaway climate change. We’re already halfway to this limit and could pass it in the next few decades.
例如,如果我们允许全球平均气温比工业化前水平上升2℃,那么反馈机制将会导致气候变化的失控。 我们已经做了一半了,这在未来几十年是可以通过的。
So what’s going wrong with sustainability initiatives? We found that three types of failure kept recurring: economic, political and communication.
那么可持续发展举措哪里出错了? 我们发现经济、政治和交流三个领域的失败现象不断发生。
The economic failures stem from the basic problem that environmentally damaging activities are financially rewarded. A forest is usually worth more money after it’s cut down – which is a particular problem for countries transitioning to a market-based economy.
经济失败源于环境破坏活动得到财政奖励这一基本问题。 森林在削减后通常值更多的钱-- 这是向国家向市场经济转型的一个特殊问题。
Political failures happen when governments can’t or won’t implement effective policies. This is often because large extractive industries, like mining, are dominant players in an economy and see themselves as having the most to lose. This occurs in developed and developing countries, but the latter can face extra difficulties enforcing policies once they’re put in place.
Communication failures centre on poor consultation or community involvement in the policy process. Opposition then flourishes, sometimes based on a misunderstanding of the severity of the issue. It can also be fed by mistrust when communities see their concerns being overlooked.
Again, this happens around the world. A good example would be community resistance to changing water allocation systems in rural areas of Australia. In this situation, farmers were so opposed to the government buying back some of their water permits that copies of the policy were burned in the street.
再次,这种情况发生在世界各地。 一个很好的例子是在澳大利亚农村地区,人们反对水分配制度的改变。在这种情况下,农民强烈反对政府购买一些水资源许可证,政策也就落空了。
These types of failure are mutually reinforcing. Poor communication of the benefits of sustainable development creates the belief that it always costs jobs and money. Businesses and communities then pressure politicians to avoid or water down environmentally friendly legislation.
这些类型的失败是相辅相成的。 可持续发展沟通不足的好处在于认为它总是要花费人力财力的。企业和社区则迫使政客撤回环保立法的想法。
Ultimately, this represents a failure to convince people that sustainable development can supply “win-win” scenarios. As a result, decision-makers are stuck in the jobs-versus-environment mindset.
最终,这就意味着无法说服人们认为可持续发展可以提供“双赢”效果。 因此,决策者陷入就业还是环境的沉思中。